Sick to my (f23) stomach rn. My husband (m21) is home for a month 900 miles away and this girl wrote the word “slut” on his knuckles. He didn’t tell me. I saw it while we were on discord playing a game and he acted weird when I asked.

Apparently she also wrote it on her brother’s hand but he wasn’t even home yet? So how?

My husband has never really given me any reason to not trust him but my stomach is in knots and I feel like I’m going to barf.

We’ve had some weird things happen like a girl called him after we got together in the middle of the night to say that she missed him and her dad died and she wanted to see him.

Apparently he never told her he was in a relationship just that he “didn’t want to be with anyone” and “focus on himself” that was a while ago. But we’re married now and the only other issue I’ve had is that he’s “friendly” (flirty) with random people when we’re at events like concerts. And he ignored me nearly the entire time we were trick or treating and talked to my sister. Now I feel sick and don’t know if he’s cheating on me.

I would never let another man grab my hand and write the word “slut”

Idk how to feel. Give me reassurance or give me death!

  1. Is there a third option in between reassurance and death?

    I can’t tell you not to worry, because maybe you have reason to worry. But nothing is going to be discovered or resolved tonight, and you’ll just drive yourself crazy thinking about it.

    Tomorrow, when you’re rested and thinking clearly, tell him you want to talk when he has a few minutes. And then explain to him that you were uncomfortable with what you saw, and want him to be honest with you about what is going on.

    Stay calm, even if he tells you that you are overreacting. Explain that you don’t know what to react to because you are missing information that only he can provide you.

    Ask questions, or just listen. Then when he is done let him know that there are issues in your marriage because you don’t feel like you can trust him, and you want a commitment from him that he’ll do what it takes for that trust to be repaired.

  2. This sounds like an emotional dump to me, which isn’t a bad thing necessarily. It becomes bad when we assume quantity equals quality. By that I mean the knuckles seems to have triggered the dumping of all these things you’ve kept bottled up. Are all of them a huge deal independently? Probably not. Are they all meaningful because there are so many of them? Maybe. It sounds to me like you’re putting the full weight of everything on the latest thing. I’m pretty sure that’s why your husband doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.

  3. Why are you with him? He doesn’t like you and this relationship has no longevity. Get a divorce and save yourself some time

  4. So he’s cheating on you, by flirting with girls in front of you…. While actively ignoring you….

    And since you didn’t have the backbone to say something about it, and he gets away with it….

    You think he would not cheat even more when you are not around????

    Like, what is the logic here? Am i missing something???

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