I met an executive who is fairly high up in my (VERY large) company and over several accounts, in person for the second time last week. I could tell he didn’t remember me and he knows everyone else on my team. So a couple of days later, I sent him a quick note on Teams saying it was nice to meet him and I enjoyed his perspective on our account. And if he ever wanted mine since I have been on more than one account (not super common – most people stick to one) to let me know.

I was trying to take some initiative and mostly just wanted him to remember my name next time I see him, honestly.

He responded a few days later with a super nice message saying he would love to hear my perspective and if it was urgent could meet sooner, but could talk to me in December.

I responded back and said it was not urgent at all. And December sounds great.

I feel really dumb and anxious. I do have thoughts after being on VERY different accounts he oversees but I’m having extreme imposter syndrome about this meeting. I have heart-racing anxiety when I think about it and wish I never messaged him.

I also don’t want my boss(es) to think I’m meeting with him in a weird way or going over their heads. I plan to bring it up with my main boss in our next 1:1 if I get a chance.

Am I overreacting or am I completely wasting this exec’s time? I want to give him something of value and feel really stupid.

  1. I am always happy to meet with people on my team and hear their perspectives. Had you said it was urgent and I cleared time for it, and when we met you just wanted facetime, I’d be annoyed, but probably wouldn’t be a big deal.

    Do be prepared that many of us really have little control over our schedules. Some sort of crisis of the day or week pops up. So if he asks to reschedule, do not take it personally.

    Be prepared to talk about your experiences and offer insights. Don’t throw your boss or teammates under.

    Try to ask him questions. In X situation, I did blank, what would you have done. Is there a better way to do that next time? Is there something we can do to anticipate Y in the future.

    And ask for tips and advice on how to advance in the company.

  2. I get this sometimes. It’s the anticipation, the lead up, the list of things in your head that could go wrong, however unlikely.

    This guy sees your interaction as *far* lower stakes than you. He isn’t going over your every word because he simply cares less about this than you do. Which is fine, and should allay some of your fear. Talk to the guy. Find a common interest if you want to make it friendlier and not just some big ask or simply saying hello.

  3. It’s good to get more face time with him. Just know that he’s an ordinary person just like you. If you want, get some beta blockers from your GP and give them a shot before you go in.

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