Women with kids, were you secretly hoping for a girl/boy when you were pregnant? Why and how did it come about?

  1. I wanted a boy, got my wish and am so happy. I would have obviously been ok either way, but all his cousins (9 total) are boys and I didn’t want him to be the odd one out.

  2. I wanted a boy, had what we all thought was a girl, raised her like a girl… and he’s trans.

  3. I wanted a girl – but pregnant with a boy currently. It was just a preference so I’m cool either way

  4. No preference with the first, had a girl, she’s amazing. Was hoping for a repeat with the second, had a boy instead, and he’s equally amazing. Neither is easier or more difficult to raise, just different.

  5. I had a dream I was having a girl, and so I took that as fact until my son was born and put on my chest LOL.

  6. Preffered a boy. Got a boy. It was just a preference I would have loved her regardless.

    My mom on the other side wanted boys, got girls. Did not even bother to pick a name for me :))

  7. My biggest “hope” came from when we went to have our second. My first was a girl, and I wanted a boy second. We got what we wanted, which was awesome, and now I have two little hellions that won’t leave my couch cushions alone

  8. For my first, I was hoping for a boy, just because my older brother has been such a great influence in my life and I wanted all of my future kids to have that experience as well. I was a little surprised at the ultra sound that it was a girl, but was excited by the time she was born.

  9. I was hoping for a girl because I figured I’d know what to do more as she got older (but I’m not sure that’s actually true!)

    Ended up with a boy and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  10. I hoped for a girl for my first but was ok either way obviously. I just knew I wanted my second to be the same sex as the first. I’m not sure why because I’m closer to my brother than my sister. I guess I want them to have a close sisterly bond that I missed out on.

  11. Initially, I wanted a girl. Found out he was a boy and was mildly disappointed for a few days but got over it pretty quickly. For our second, I’d actually prefer another boy for various reasons but it’s a very mild preference.

  12. My first pregnancy I wanted a girl and I got two, with my second I didn’t really have a preference

  13. I’m so worried about having a healthy baby, that I would be fine with either. Both have their pros and cons.

  14. I swore he was a girl…..even did an early at home blood test.

    He is *definitely* a boy, per the anatomy scan.

  15. Had a couple months for my first where I desperately wanted a girl. After spending some time with my nephew, managed to convince myself either was fine. Had a boy and was/am happy about it.

    Second pregnancy I was fine with either. I got my girl…until I didn’t.

    Third pregnancy I was mildly hoping for a girl since losing the other, but not as strong of feelings as I’d briefly had during my first. Wound up with another boy, which I was/am again quite happy with. Heck, I was just happy this one survived (though it was a bit scary for a while). And then I had them take my tubes out because I was NOT going through #2 or #3 again.

  16. I was just happy to be pregnant. Deep down, I think I wanted a girl for a little mini me, but we waited until birth to find out. Turns out, I had a boy. Now, 4 years later- I couldn’t imagine anything else. I love being a boy mom, and he even loves Taylor Swift! Lol

  17. I really wanted a girl for my second after thinking I only wanted boys. But I got two boys. It’s cool, didn’t really feel anything other than a quick sad oh. They may not stay boys forever for all I know.

    We’ve been considering adopting a girl, but I’m like why would I adopt just based on gender. I wrestle with this as a non binary passing female person myself. What’s my obsession with gender in the first place? If I’m trying to normalize everything why do I care?

    I mean I guess the answer is at a young age girls and boys can be different. But I’ll never really know. And that’s cool too.

    And I’m answering this on ask women because my entire life i didn’t know non binary existed so I’m basically teetering on gender representation for myself all the time.

  18. I hoped my first would be a girl because I was under the impression that my husband, who has no sisters, would be a better girl dad if he had a daughter before a son. So first of all, I was wrong because he’s an amazing dad to all our kids, and second of all we had a son. For my second, I hoped it was a boy because we already had a bunch of boy stuff lol. And then for my third I said I would be happy either way but honestly I hooted when I saw the blood test results that I was pregnant with a girl. Whether that’s because I secretly really wanted one or because I said this pregnancy feels different and it’s definitely a girl and everyone else said that’s not a thing (it is a thing, btw. It’s higher levels of estrogen and the reason I grew multiple cup sizes every week.) In conclusion, my kids are amazing and wonderful regardless of their genders and I love them.

  19. Wanted a boy for my first, got him. Found out I was pregnant a second time, and prayed for a girl. Got her, thankfully, as we’re swimming in a testosterone filled house (all our animals are male).

  20. We wanted a boy, got the most awesome and sweetest baby girl instead 😍 not disappointed at all ETA I wanted a boy bc I already had a boy and the bond between a mom and a son is really special ✨

  21. I wanted a boy as we didn’t plan for kids (failed IUD) as I thought my husband would prefer a boy. We had a girl and she’s the biggest daddy’s girl 😂 he is very happy we had a girl. As am I.

  22. It wasn’t a secret. Before ever having children I wanted all boys. That wish was ignored because I ended up with three girls and a boy. Then, while pregnant with my son we just assumed it would be a girl since we already had three. Nope. I’m glad the way it turned out. Our girls were exactly what my husband and I needed.

  23. I was terrified of the chance I’d have a boy, because I saw everyone around us with boys and it looked like hell. Luckily I have a girl

  24. With my third it wasnt a secret I wanted a girl, but I was blessed with an amazing son. My twin sister had a daughter and I thank god everyday I am a “Boy Mom” 😂.

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