So a few months ago I met this guy at a weekend retreat. We didn’t actually talk until the train journey home and I ended up sitting next to him. We spent the whole two hours laughing together and talking about politics, philosophy, favourite music, favourite books, career plans and what we desire in relationships. We have A LOT in common. He poked fun at me for my appearance (I’d had a bad morning and decided I would have a scruffy day) saying ‘do you always dress like this?’. I found it funny but I imagine no guy attracted would say such a thing. He also pointed out how small my feet were compared to his. Otherwise, whenever there was a pause in conversation and I thought it had stopped he’d pick it back up by asking me about how soon I want to get married, would I get married young, how much older would I marry up (he’s 26, I’m 20), would I ever marry a fellow doctor or other profession and we’d carry on talking more. It was very easy chemistry, feeling like 20 mins rather than 2 hours. He noted how much I was laughing and smiling and I claimed I was actually having a terrible time and grimacing rather. He said ‘I wish my grimace looked like that.’ Surprisingly, he told me about how introverted he is and that he usually struggles to talk to people. I mentioned that he was good at talking if we’d spoken for 2 hours and he said sheepishly ‘but I actually like you and I don’t like most people’.

So what do you think? Was he hitting on me or just a great convo as friends? I’ll be seeing him again in a week.

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