I am a 22f and I started having sex when I was 20, Of course I used a latex condom my first time and I noticed a slight burning sensation but I figured that was normal since I lost my virginity but no, BOOM the next day I got a uti, I had it twice as a kid so I knew the feeling immediately, its not the kind of pain you forget. I got on antibiotics and cleared the whole bottle and felt better before we had sex again.

So, my then boyfriend at the time and I switched to latex free Skyn condoms because I just assumed it was a latex allergy but no, I experienced a slight burning sensation the whole time and then, next day another uti.

More antibiotics, more waiting then we tried Lambskin condoms and I thought “theres no way this will do it too.” I was wrong. Another uti.

This went on for a while. I couldnt have sex for months and my ex was very understanding but it ultimately led to a break up.

To be clear my ex had great hygiene and so do I, I tried washing before and after sex, taking cranberry pills, peeing before and after sex, take a benadryl, absolutely NO accidental butt contact everything I thought of and tried.

For the past year I didn’t have sex at all, but recently I slept with this guy and we just used a latex condom since I know all 3 condoms give me a reaction. You know the deal, got a uti the next day and I’m on antibiotics right now.

I’ve never had this problem when it comes to self pleasure with hands, and I think if I used a toy with no condom it wouldn’t affect me either so I really think its a problem of the condoms and not the friction.

I’m trying to figure out what I can do. There’s no way I can have sex without a condom, and I can’t find a non-latex, non lubricated, no spermicide condom. This is really frustrating and even embarrassing to me and I feel like it’s almost a cosmic prank. If ANYONE has advice I would gladly hear it!

  1. Do you use lube at all? Sometimes if you aren’t fully wet enough it can cause friction but in the heat of the moment you might not notice, have you been with a different partner since? Sometimes it can be your bodies way of saying you aren’t compatible with your partner

  2. My woman uses uquora products for UTIs they have wipes and a drink that flushed everything out. Check that out.

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