i’m a 19 year old college student trying to move out. me and my bf broke up in april of this year but he initiated reconnection in august and we’ve been working it out since. during the 3 months we were broken up i had been dancing to save extra money. i worked 1-2 jobs on top of the club and was the most financially secure ive been in a long time. at the end of july my temporary license for entertaining had expired because i accidentally missed my fingerprint appointment. because he hadn’t wanted me to go back ive just postponed getting my license all over again. but i’m looking to move out of my parents due to family issues and just needing my own space. i’ve wanted to dance since i was 16 just for a quick way to get out of here. but his reasoning anytime we’ve talked about it is because “he doesn’t want other men to see me like he does” which in a way i understand. but it bothers me that his reasoning is only based off insecurity and not things such as my safety, the club environment in general, etc. i feel i’d be more understanding if he had made it about the whole picture and not just himself because at the end of the day it’s me who’s going through everything that goes on there and i need that support financially. i know dancing isn’t the best alternative but it was extremely helpful for me at the time especially being added as a second or third job. i only planned on going back for about 6-9 months as i find a better alternative for my main job and am able to sort out my living situation and accomplish other short term financial goals. I love my bf and would really like to work it out with him but i also feel that it’s not fair that i cant go back for the financial help i need without him saying he’s going to leave me. i just don’t feel like that’s worth throwing what we have away. im not sure how to more forward with this and am extremely torn.

ps- i never have or will participate in any extras in the club or intimate relations with any tricks, so anything of that reason has nothing to do with the situation.

  1. This is easy.

    Is he willing to compensate you on all the potential wages you will lose?

  2. If he wants to pay you the same amount of $$ that you are giving up, then sure. If not then he can stfu lol.

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