I remember our 7th grade science teacher used to keep a gun in the cabinet above her desk. One time I accidentally found it when she sent me to grab some papers and said “Oh I was supposed to lock that sorry”

They sure don’t make educators like they used to do they?

  1. I was in high school in the mid 90s, and my friend had a group project that involved filming a video. My brother lent him a bb gun (plastic but realistic looking full size Beretta 92fs replica with no orange tip) and my friend did the video shoot *on school grounds* with the bb gun. This video was then shown *in class* to the teacher and students. Never got in any trouble for it.

    Never really gave it any thought at the time, but looking back on it that seems insane to me.

  2. I was in middle school, and we had sex ed. Lived in a low income high teen pregnancy area for what it’s worth, so sex ed was a bit more pragmatic.

    School nurse was hosting a coed session, she opened a condom and blew it up into a big balloon. She said “girls, if the guy ever tells you he’s too big to fit in one of these, he’s lying to you.”

  3. One of my teachers brought in a legit wolf to class. It was fucking massive. Like, walking around class and taller than we were. It was crazy.

  4. My grade 9 health/gym class was in the early 90s , all dudes,but taught by a lady. Frank discussions? “Well I don’t know Mr McCarthy, how DO you masturbate?” “Well Miss, if you’re Jamie you masturbate like this (wrist jerking) but I have to masturbate like this (cranks arms up and down)” teacher and students all have a good laugh.

  5. My geometry teacher used to show how tough he was by opening up a stapler and slamming staples into his forearm.

    Our biology teacher illustrated sexual selection by having the girls rate all the boys in class in order of attractiveness. The girls did this anonymously on pieces of paper, then the teacher tallied the results. Then the teacher stood the boys up and had us line up in order of how we got ranked. She split the line into two groups and said “So, these males with the most desirable traits will pass on their genes, and the rest won’t. The favorable traits will then become concentrated with each generation, and that’s how you get extreme traits like the long feathers on a peacock’s tail or the stag’s huge antlers.” I got to be in the group that doesn’t pass on their genes 🙁

  6. Not a story, but a physical education teacher. I was a fat kid when i graduated to high school (really fat!). This guy didn’t care, he pushed us really hard to run, lift, do pushups and so on. But he trained with us. He forced me to push myself beyond my limits and when i saw “Holy shit, i can do that?!” i started to love physical acitivity. He said anybody can challenge him in any discipline we chose. If we win, we graduate with A. I won in swimming 🙂

    By the time i finished high school i was slim, fit, and even competed in running/ swimming.

    So not a story most of you would excpect, but that teacher really did his job.

    Now my son is in high school and he’s teaching him.

  7. Teacher losing her mind about the classroom being “dirty” and how the janitors didnt clean “good enough” so we had to keep it spotless. She would whack students with her swinging lunchbox.

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