We could go on a few dates or not even meet yet and they say “I can’t commit, I jumped into dating too soon, I still live with my ex bf” so why text me for a week or two, date, then waste both of our times.

I’m not asking for commitment right away but let’s get past the first few dates to see if you even like me.

  1. A ridiculous amount of women on those apps are there out of boredom or looking for free attention with no intention of ever actually dating

    Is what it is🤷‍♂️

    That said if every woman is doing this to you it’s likely something you’re doing or saying that’s making them walk away

  2. Do you ask them about commitment or ask them what they want in a relationship or bringing that up or something?

    Maybe you give off the vibe of wanting to be exclusive?

    Or perhaps many of them haven’t healed from past relationship trauma or wounds and thought finding someone new will make them forget about their ex?

    It might also be that they changed their mind after getting to know you? Usually if a woman is not interested in you, they more likely just ghost you so at least you aren’t getting a bunch of that.

  3. They aren’t interested in you, and saying this is just an excuse to not make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. It’s a soft / kind rejection. “It’s not you, it’s me”. In reality, it’s probably something you’re doing, or not doing, on these dates that turns them off.

  4. Free Attention and validation.

    They don’t want to get hit on at the bar or club, but if Nobody ever came up to them at the bar or club they would get sad

  5. I feel you, bro. Dating apps are rough. Keep your head up and stay open – the right girl will come along when you least expect it.

  6. Unfortunately this is online dating in a nutshell. You will meet a fair amount of time wasters but the best way to not let it get to you is to anticipate it.

    Until you have firmly been exclusive with someone, don’t assume anything. Assume it could all go to shit the next day for seemingly no reason. It’s not pessimistic, it’s realistic. It will be better for your mental health that way. I could tell you stories of when I was online..😂

  7. Becuase she doesn’t like you enough to date. If she was talking to Ryan gosling, she’s probably ready to commit all of a sudden right?

  8. If you are dating someone who is still living with an ex bf- you need to start with dating someone not attached.

    It could be a soft no- but maybe you are just choosing women who are looking for someone casual. Like is this all from an app or meeting somewhere specific, like a bar?

  9. This is a rejection homie

    Its easier for them to act like they aren’t ready than it is for them to out right tell you they are not interested

  10. Attention is like a drug to many today. After she’s got what she wants from you (your time and attention) the thrill is gone. She wants to keep feeling the high of getting attention from different men.

  11. Because most people on dating apps aren’t actually ready for a commitment. People do what they’re told to do and young people think that they’re supposed to be dating. The truth is, though, that many aren’t prepared emotionally, mentally, intellectually or are mature enough to actually pull off a relationship. So they all just bumble about the whole dating process like a monkey trying to do a math problem.

  12. Because they’re looking for attention. You need to learn to spot them early and discard them instead of wasting your time and energy.

  13. The better question to ask is what’s causing them to say “I can’t commit.” If you are consistently getting that response, that’s a **you** problem, not a girl problem. Women only reflect and mirror, so if they are consistently saying “I cant commit”, then you are subconsciously giving off the needy, approval seeking, relationship vibe waaaaay to soon, and they are getting turned off.

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