I try to stay off social media and stuff but somehow it just ends up affecting me more than it should. Any advice on how to deal with this better?

  1. It doesn’t, I have real problems to deal with. I don’t go making up problems to be stressed about.

  2. the better question is; how are you so emotionally invested in something you contribute nothing to?

  3. I love sports and while a loss sucks I have much more important things in life that require my attention.

  4. I smoke some weed and remind myself that Arsenal always lets me down and I get over it within the hour and tune in next match! If it made me more upset than that, I wouldn’t watch anymore, it’s really not worth it.

  5. Now that the Patriots are crap I’ve had to get used to it…

    My favourite coping mechanism is bourbon. And then I move on to the next game.

    It helps that they’ve already given me the happiest moments of my young life so I cant stay mad at them for long. Not many people get to watch their team win 3 rings.

  6. As a kid and during covid when I had more time to invest into sports(and less happening in the world) it was a real bummer, I guess having fan channels are great for feeling a sense of community win lose or draw (even if they get a bad rep the rest of the time!)

    Now as a 27 year old man with responsibility and values my time, I hardly feel pleasure in sitting down for 2/3 hours to watch Man Utd vs Crystal Palace e.g just laugh it off and keep connected to the games online enough to join in the convo at work

  7. I’m a Panthers fan, they are so bad that I don’t think I could possibly be that emotionally invested in whether they win or lose lol

  8. I’m a huge die hard fans of my teams (NY Knicks and NY Giants) and when they lose I avoid social media, message boards and sports radio. It makes it way worse and I take losses hard to begin with. Not as hard as when I was younger but they still irk me and ruin my mood. This years Giants are a nightmare so I’m gonna try to get through these last 8 games as relaxed as possible.

  9. It’s not a big deal since it doesn’t directly impact me. I don’t own a percentage of the team and I’m not directly or indirectly employed by them. So it’s whatever if the weekend doesn’t go well.

  10. If one of my teams lose, it doesn’t bother me.

    If one of my teams wins, I’m in a good mood the next day or two (depending on how big the game was).

    That’s the best way I can explain it.

  11. My favorite sports team is the NY Jets. So you kind of just get used to constant misery after awhile.

  12. Bruh some people here are clearly out of touch and are too quick to comment on things they know very little on… when someone is very passionate about something, even if it’s a sports team, of course it can get tough when that team loses

  13. Run my finger across the bottom of the chicken wing bowl and suck the sauce off… since the wings are probably gone by that point.

  14. Had the chance to join a government spy agency but turned it down.

    Should have done it if just for a fun story to tell.

  15. I’m disappointed for about 10mins then kinda carry on with my day then I’m disappointed again for a brief moment when I remember

  16. When you are on your death bed, do you think you’ll be trying to remember that one game from 2019? Do you even think the players will care about that game when they are on their death bed?

    I enjoy sports – I watch them almost every night. But it’s been about 10 years since I let my teams ruin my mood. Sure, I will be bummed out for like 10 min, but then I’m like, “whatever, life goes on. Let’s see what my kids are up to”

  17. From an acquaintance who is a Chargers fan: can’t be disappointed if you never had hope in the first place. Just gotta lower your expectations to the dirt.

  18. Growing up my dad was super obsessed with his team winning. On game day we all knew to avoid the living room when the game was on. He was always angry, if they were winning it was an “about time” or if they were losing he’d throw the remote and cuss up a storm.

    No matter what it was best to just avoid him the rest of the day since he was so amped up.

    I never got interested in sports as I figured that was how most people watched the game. As I got older I saw it was more his anger and competitiveness than just watching a game.

  19. It never bothered me back when i used to watch sports to fit in.

    But that’s likely because i simply didn’t really care. Win or lose has absolutely zero effect on my life.

  20. A better question is how does my favourite sports team deal with my losses? Well, they don’t, so why shoul I care when they lose. If they lose, fuck them. Who cares anyway?

  21. Lol. You be an adult and not base your life or emotions around a game played by people who don’t know you even exist except for the fact that your obsession pays for their excessive salaries.

  22. If they can laugh, have a good time and not care at end of a loss, why should it affect me when I don’t even work for the team.

  23. It sucks when one of my teams lose. But social media, especially Twitter and Reddit make it so much worse.

    The Cleveland fanbase is filled with idiots who have dealt with nothing but losing for most of their lives. After every loss all they do is bitch, say the coach and GM need fired, trade everyone and owners sell the team. The worst part is I think they enjoy being miserable and ever after wins they find stuff to bitch about.

  24. Thankfully for me the depression that Ferrari gives me near every weekend is balanced by the constant joy I get from Man City

  25. We have some good radio programs up in New England, so I take some catharsis in listening to the talk show hosts rip them to shreds, read between the lines, and form wild conspiracy theories

  26. I’m mature enough not to associate my happiness with something as shallow and irrelevant as a sports team winning.

  27. With the New England Patriots being terrible this year, I’m over it. When they lost to the Giants in the Super Bowl during their almost undefeated season, I needed some time. My wife left me alone, and I played some video games.

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