Our first time together I was a bit of a goofball, and now she says I’m adorable in bed. I feel like this is a bad thing because she is a sub by preference and being “adorable” might leave her feeling unsatisfied in the long run. How can I best move from being seen adorable to being seen as more a bit more dominant?

tl;dr: How can I change her impression of me being adorable in bed?

  1. Depends what she means by sub. She might just want you to take charge rather than get into BDSM stuff.

    It sounds like your overthinking things at this early stage.

  2. Have a transparent conversation about it. Depending on her reaction you’ll find out if she’s worth continuing the intimacy or not

  3. Get over yourself and accept the compliment

    Why do you guys go out of your way to make your life harder than it needs to be?

  4. What.. were you doing a puppet show? I’m a bit of a goofball. And I’ll say that sometimes it’s ok. But, you should be more intense and passionate, you can be an animal that can’t control himself (but, know your boundaries). But honestly, your neighbors shouldn’t be here you yell “WEEEEE!!”.

  5. Let her adore you! Being dominant doesn’t mean being mean or somthing. If you show a sub gentle loving dominance, they will adore you for it!

  6. There is such a thing as a gentle giant my guy. I’m a little older than you and even though I’m a virgin that doesn’t mean I’ve not messed around a bit lol. You can be gentle but firm and unyielding. You can be cute or humorous so she feels safe around you but also balance it with intensity and passion.

    If you’re anything like me (which is sounds like you are) then I’d just had a conversation about it with her. I’m stronger than the average Joe and highly cognizant of that fact so when I’m with someone I make it a point to talk about it with them so I know what they’re comfortable with and if you’re that worried, create safewords and then explore to see what both of you are comfortable with.

    If you need further clarification let me know and I can expound on it for you.

  7. Next time she tells you you are adorable drop your voice and quietly say, “I’ll show you adorable” and grab her arm and pull her into you. Put your hand on her chin and tilt her head to kiss you and look deep into her eyes. Hold that gaze for several seconds then softly kiss her. If she’s a sub she will respond to controlling gestures. Just make sure that before you actually begin being more Dom, you talk to her about it. But the adorable retort should be playful and welcomed if not too serious. Good luck with her.

  8. Women attach “adorable” to most of the things they love in life, what is the problem here.

  9. Just ask her what she likes and if theres something she would like to try in bed. Dont assume anything, communication is key (women like to have a say in their sex life too). Maybe she loves adorable!

  10. Just be real, don’t worry about anything else. Talk to her, not us. Communication is huge. Just tell her you weren’t sure if she thought you being adorable was a bad thing or if you’re just overthinking it. Literally just talk to her. Sometimes we screw things up by making things more complicated than they are. It’s ok to be vulnerable with her. There is a strength to being open.

  11. I think if this isn’t something you want to be called then quit being adorable in bed. Or use it to your advantage and tell her she can invite her friends over to join in on all the adorableness.

    I can switch easily but I prefer being more Dom. There’s times my spouse wants me to sub and vice versa. When I decide to switch it’s usually a surprise from how I acted to get her to the bed.

    Be a Dom, put her in her place and as she cums tell her to look at you. Then tell her you’re not adorable, you’re a fucking man and she’s yours. Make something hot up. You know her better than we will.

  12. You need to take charge… Be the dominant one. Make her submissive to you. Every fantasy you have about being dominant, play it out… Then do it.

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