I see fashion brands trying to push men wearing pearl necklaces as a fashion statement (probably just to expand the men’s jewelry market to make money) but wanted to hear from actual consumers what they think

  1. I have not seen this. I assume it’s more of a thing among people in fashion/style culture, so I would would also assume it’s more a thing for men who aren’t traditionally masculine.

  2. Wear what makes you feel good about yourself, you won’t hear any judgement from me.

  3. I have never seen it. No one I know is sporting like that but maybe I need to see the clothes selection… I know for a fact it is not for me, I barely want to wear my smart watch lol

  4. Do nothing less than whatever the FK you want*

    *Obvious exceptions apply* – like crime stuff 🤣

  5. For me, I think it’s dumb. I’m not the biggest fan of blending genders to the point of indistinguishable differences in fashion.

  6. I’ve never seen it and I wouldn’t wear them personally, but I’m guilty of some other controversial / stereotypically ‘un-masculine’ fashion choices myself, so I’m definitely not the one to tell you that you can’t.

  7. I don’t really pay attention to fashion culture. I always saw pearls more as a regal women’s wear than something unisex. But my mind could be changed.

  8. I think it looks absolutely fucking ridiculous. Soft ass punks wearing grandmas necklace

  9. Honestly didn’t even know there was still a market for pearls. Cant even remember the last time I saw anyone wearing any tbh.

  10. I wouldn’t but I don’t like jewelry in general. But if a dude wants to wear em, who cares? Have at it. Men used to commonly wear powdered wigs and heels.

  11. I definitely wouldn’t look good with pearls but I can see how some guys would. Most probably won’t look good but hey to each their own

  12. I don’t see myself needing new jewelry in the next several decades beyond replacing some silicone bands but you do you.

  13. Pearls are up and coming for men. Ive seen this come up more than once recently. The thing with fashion is that it is so cyclical, and I haven’t done the research to see if a bold use of pearls was ever popular in men’s fashion but probably. Also the thing with fashion is that confidence is key, you can pretty much wear anything if you embody the confidence of “owning the world”.

  14. I think pearls look bad on everyone unless you’re an 80 year old grandma

  15. Fashion is social concept. And changes by people, location, and cultures. I would say currently it would be more feminine to wear a pear neckless, but would not be shunned or looked down on by most.

  16. No, thanks. Why would I want to wear jewelry even more useless than most? They can look good on some girls, but overall they look hideous.

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