Hello, Im fairly new here and this is my first serious relationship, whereas before Ive only had
one- night stands.

The situation:
Me and my GF are both in our mid 20s, we’ve been together for almost 8months now, and only last week I’ve noticed her snap score increase a LOT. She does have a lot of friends on Snapchat, but whereas before we were mutual BFFs now we aren’t anymore.
We’ve had an argument last week and from then on she asked for some ”me time” which I gave to her, that’s when her snap score increased while she started ignoring my texts / leaving me on read / or replying hours later.
We recently talked about it because I went to her place to break up with her since she’s been ignoring me while I clearly see she’s sending / receiving snaps from people. I have told her I have abandonment issues which I’ve carried from childhood, hence why I feel so strongly when I’m being ignored or left on read for almost a week. So we talked; she said the reason why she’s been ignoring me is cause I broke her trust by talking about our issues to our mutual friend. My GF is sometimes harsh with her words, like she’s closed off her heart sometimes due to pain from a previous relationship, I also cannot deal with how friendly she is to literally anyone, hence why I confided to our mutual friend who knows her for almost a decade; venting to her about the issues I have with my GF and sometimes asking for advice on how to deal with my GF. I told our mutual friend how Im not comfortable with her talking so often with her landlord and other guy friends, and apparently my GF found out I snitched to our mutual friend. This isn’t the first time I’ve confided to our mutual friend, and this is the 2nd time my GF found out.
She got upset since I talked about our privacy, which I can understand, but what am I supposed to do? I don’t feel emotionally secure with her anymore since the last 3 times I tried talking to her when I feel like this she just completely invalidated my feelings. My GF keeps saying Im overreacting, or how I shouldn’t worry since she’s told me she’s talking to this guy and this guy and her landlord and how I should ONLY be worried when she talks to this guy when she hasn’t told me. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided to try again, maybe I was just overthinking it right?
However, literally an hour ago; she was in the shower and left her phone on the couch at her place. I couldn’t resist and I went through her snapchat. I saw that she’s mainly talking to 4 dudes (landlord and me included) and 2 female friends of her. None of us have the BFFs sign.
Here’s why Im here on reddit now.
I went through her dms on snapchat with the other 3 dudes, and saw she’s been sending selfies of herself to them and to me, nothing provocative. She’s never been the type to send provocative pictures. Her selfies mostly include face and sometimes whole body. Selfies she’s posted on messenger stories and some selfies she hasn’t posted.
Her landlord, who’s in his early or mid 30s, who’s still married and with kids seems the most flirty by the way he complimented her selfies and sending heart emojis even, saving a lot of her selfies she’s been sending. They’ve also been exchanging goodnight bitmoji stickers with each other during chat, whereas she hasn’t sent me any goodnight messages since last week. Hell, I don’t even know how else they’ve been interacting since snapchat deletes unsaved messages and snaps over the course of 24hrs.
I just feel VERY uncomfortable with how they’re interacting with each other. And I have told her this before, whereas she keeps saying the same thing, ”Im not hiding talking to him, you should only be worried when Im hiding it from you.” or ”Why would I? He’s married with kids. I’m just being friendly.”
It also makes me feel less special. Why does she need the feel to send selfies to other dudes? I thought I was the only one receiving these.

What should I do? Am I just overthinking too much? Can I really trust her that nothing is going on since she’s told me she’s talking to them prior to our argument last week? I am an overthinker, I admit. To me it feels like this landlord clearly wants to smash.
I’d like to hear your thoughts.. I really need help right now, as I don’t want to talk to our mutual friend about it. This issue has gotten so bad I sometimes can’t even sleep.

  1. Do not overthink it. She is doing things that makes you uncomfortable and would be uncomfortable to most men in your place.

    This is not normal, but you can’t convince her of that. You shouldn’t even try.

    You should break up with your gf instead. You do not need to convince her you are justified in doing so either.

  2. Dude, you need to break up with her. She’s clearly not respecting your boundaries and is crossing major lines with these other guys. Sending selfies to multiple dudes, including a married landlord? That’s not just being friendly. She’s playing you and trying to gaslight you into thinking you’re overreacting. Trust your gut and get out of there. You deserve better than someone who’s making you feel this insecure and disregarding your feelings. Cut your losses and move on.

  3. RED FLAG mate
    why she sending selfies for other guys … she seeking some validations or may be like to keep some guys hooked ..many do ..
    this is red flag mate.. and she is testing ur boundary ..

    tell her will be she happy if other girls were sending u selfies and u entertain them & send some back?
    this is not acceptable

    how u expect her to respect u when u have no standards … she is testing how man u r and how much she can get away crossing boundaries
    don’t be a drama queen tho.. just mention it what she is doing dont make u happy and she will be pissed if other girls were sending him selfies and u were chatting .. and u don’t like it ..and don’t respect girls who do so.
    she will try to justify it !! they always do…. tell her with a smile on ur face… am sorry babe… i love u .. but this is still not acceptable.
    don’t give her ultimatum unless she push u.. let her try to show u she love u by making u happy.

  4. She wants attention from other guys and overall just sounds annoying af, break up with her, take some time to heal and you will find someone who treats you better

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