This is the place to put any shower thoughts, your complaints/rants about dating, ask for quick advice, serious and (sometimes not) questions and anything else that might not warrant a post of its own.

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  1. I’ve really been enjoying getting to know the side-hug guy I posted about a couple of weeks ago. Neither of us messaged after that date (I have little to no interest in texting constantly with essentially a stranger which makes dating super easy and not at all a chore for me /s) and he was going out of town for a long weekend. I texted him when he’d said he’d be back asking about the trip. We made plans for that Friday night to grab a drink.
    Anyway, we hooked up and have been pretty much constantly texting since. The texting is NOT a chore when the person is interesting and you like them. Weird how that goes, huh? We have plans tomorrow and yeah he’s cool and I’m excited about it

  2. I feel so ridiculous having a crush, especially since it’s the first crush I’ve had in almost a decade. It makes me feel like I’m in high-school or some shit.

    At first it felt all fun and great with butterflies and now I am overthinking every text exchange and wondering if I should dial back on all the communication. I don’t text anyone as much we text and I am starting to feel like maybe it’s bad to be texting so much??? We’ve already hung out in person a bunch so it’s not like we’re solely penpals and he’s said he likes hanging out with me, but the more we text the more confused I am! And we’ve been sending each other voice memos, something I never do.

    Initially we did discuss dating/dates with other people, but neither of us have mentioned any of it for like 3 weeks (aside from vulnerable discussions about previous relationships) and I’m scared to ask if he’s seeing anyone because it would be devastating to my ego and really crush me.

    I know I need to just say something but I’m terrified!!!!! I just wanna know 100% before doing anything because the rejection would be really painful right now due to unrelated circumstances. I’m sure part of my fixation is due to the dopamine as I am dealing with some really intense stress/uncertainty in other parts of my life.

    I’d link to previous comments I’ve made but I’ve been deleting them out of fear he finds my Reddit account. I know I’m paranoid lol.

  3. Guy I’m exclusively dating said he’s excited to talk about a lot of things when we hang out tonight. I asked for a preview of topics, thinking he wanted to talk about his day yesterday because it was a significant day for him at work, but then he listed 4-5 things he wanted to ask *me* about, re: a variety of things I’ve told him the past couple days 🥺

    Our first sleepover is tonight. Excited to wake up together! (But trying not to be *too* excited. Because, you know. Jadedness.)

  4. I just realized that soon it’s gonna be six months since I’ve broke up with my ex, time flies. But despite me being the one to end the relation, I miss her. She was like a best friend, we played games together and had the same kind of humour. I ended it because I knew it wasn’t working, she was being actually detrimental to my mental and financial health, and I know I’m now mostly focusing on the good parts. I try to focus on my job and my workout routine, but it’s not always easy going forward. Sorry for the rant, I needed to get it out somewhere.

  5. Lady I’ve been seeing is coming over for dinner tomorrow night, and then yesterday over text she proposed we go for a lunch walk today. That’ll be the 7th and 8th times we’ve seen each other. We haven’t slept together, just making out, but our texting last night while planning the lunch walk was getting very flirty and suggestive so Saturday might be the night. I keep my apartment pretty clean but there will definitely be some deep cleaning going on before she comes over. It’s been a while since sleeping with anyone and I’ve had anxiety issues in the past, so I’m a bit nervous.

    I keep waiting for something bad to happen or to get a “hey so i’ve been thinking…” text, based on past experience, but it all seems to be going pretty well. I mentioned in a previous comment that I wanted to have a conversation about where we were at, but we didn’t end up having much of a discussion. I just sort of said “I’m letting you know, I like you and I’m in” and she said the same, but we haven’t discussed exclusivity.

  6. Just been feeling a little bit empty the last few days. I’ve refocused my mind from where i was a few months ago, but it can still hit you. Being single, that is. You can have a good family, you can have friends to talk to, but as nearly everyone in here knows, nothing can replace that gap in your life.
    You can sort of ignore it for a bit, but eventually it will always creep up on you. Very painful.

  7. This is the first weekend since we met that boyfriend and I can’t see each other. We shall have a video date tomorrow, and I miss him terribly. Stupid long distance can suck it.

  8. Had to get the sadness off my chest. I met a guy and we were dating for 2 months! Amazing connection one I haven’t felt in years and he feels the same. Unfortunately though he has fallen into a deep depression and told me he doesn’t wanna drag me down with him but doesn’t want me out of his life either but is not ready for a relationship. I told him I’d give him space to sort through his life and it makes me super sad that we can’t be as close anymore but I’m happy he’s taking his mental health seriously . I’m not sure there’s room in me in his life or how I fit in atm since he doesn’t really talk to me anymore . We gonna meet up soon and I’m treating it like a goodbye. My friends insist I move on. I just moved to a brand new city where I don’t know anyone, just started a new job and graduated graduate school so I’m just gonna focus on building my life up a little while I heal from this connection 🙁

  9. Decided to talk to this girl last night just because she was so pretty. She had great energy but she has the same name as the girl I’ve been trying to get over holy shit lmfao.

  10. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost a year, which is my longest relationship since my divorce 3 years ago. We exchanged I love you’s about 2 months ago, and do so regularly.

    I could see myself with him for a very long time and could marry him, but is it normal to start thinking about that? Should we be having those conversations a year in? We’ve definitely talked kids and hypothetically “when/if I get married” in general ways (ex: I’d want to elope if I ever got married again). Just trying to figure out if I’m thinking too fast.

  11. I ended things with the man i’d been with for 3 months yesterday. Today i’m wondering if i made a big mistake. How do you know if you’ve made the right decision?

  12. Getting on the apps is a mistake. Every time I open the apps and go on mediocre first dates I get reminded of how I’m incompatible with most people especially being firmly childfree. I’ll just go back to my books and side projects, plan for next year’s vacations, and hang out with friends that I care about.

  13. I’m feeling exhausted, and yet again, I have to work some over the weekend. I had to work last weekend to oversee the system during daylights saving time. I had to work the weekend before that to monitor the system during a dress rehearsal. Now, this weekend, I have to monitor the system during disaster recovery drills.

    Skater Lady has been so patient with this. I keep telling her that my job isn’t usually like this at this time of the year, but ugh, I guess this is how it is leading up to the big changes in 2 months. I’m feeling pretty guilty, but I’ve already applied for a new position within the company which hopefully wouldn’t be as hectic.

  14. Met a new girl but an renting a room

    I just started talking to a girl and went to her place to hang out last weekend. We had a great time and I want to see her again. She said we can’t chill at her place this weekend because of other people that live with her are uncomfortable with new people (they weren’t there last weekend) but she would love to come to see me.

    The problem is I’m currently in a transitionary period in my life and I’m renting a room in someone’s house right now. It’s literally a 8 by 9 room with a twin bed, a desk, a dresser and a closet. I’ve lived there for a few months but I basically only go there to sleep and study. Also the landlords are always there as they own the house. I barely decorated it and basically just use it as a dorm room.
    The thought of bringing a girl back there is so embarrassing and don’t know what the best course or action is.

    Should I just take her out to eat and maybe find some other small activities to do and then get a hotel room? She said she’s mainly a homebody and prefers to chill and do more nerdy stuff and I just wish her place was available for us to hangout. I want to be with her more than anything and I just hope she doesn’t think lesser of me because of my current living situation.

    I know I need to get a new bed (atleast a queen) and better ways to entertain at my place but I just don’t want to lose her because of this.

    What would you do in my situation?

  15. I went on a date with a guy at a karaoke bar, and a couple of very suggestive songs came on and the guy was looking at me and singing along/mouthing the lyrics for most of them. I’m not sure if he was just trying to defuse awkwardness, or flirt, but I felt incredibly awkward – I was not feeling that level of flirting… he was also pretty touchy when we went for a walk afterwards, and I didn’t reject him but also wasn’t totally ready for that either.

    He was pretty normal on the rest of the date and I think I’m going to see him again but remembering that bit makes me slightly uncomfortable about it. For me this is very much a “figure out if I’m attracted” and I think he might be on a different page…

    I’m kind of left feeling sad that I’m not meeting people who do make me feel safe/comfortable/familiar I guess. (And he was in the conventional ways – paid for drinks, let me know when you get home type of person – weirdly those standard things aren’t important to me at all, though.)

  16. I recently broke up with a guy I’ve been dating in the past 4 months. Both in our 30s. We both are attracted to each other and I can feel both are falling in love. However, our financial goal does not match (he’s a spender and im much of a saver) and his timeline is much slower than me since he was married before. I feel anxious all the time since im waiting for him to express his feelings to me. He also got offended everytime I talk about finances even though it is just my own and he wasthinking that im asking him to do the same as me. This is the first time I had a case where love is just not enough and I feel sad about it.

  17. I have been complacent in my current situation for the last 3 months and honestly in a pretty bad mental state. Immediately after meeting this girl I have been happy than I’ve ever been in my whole life. I want to better myself so that I can have a good life to share with her. I really don’t know what I’m gonna do in the short term other than just keep working to save money and going to school so eventually I will have a higher paying job to get out of where I’m at.

    I want to get into nursing because I use to be an EMT and it was a really postive thing for me. I got depressed a few years ago and let my certification lapse and now I’m just working warehouse jobs and trying to take prerequisite courses so I can apply to a good nursing program

  18. I work at a university and I think sometimes seeing the students around me takes a toll mentally – just knowing they still have years to socialize and have a normal life and mentally comparing to my own completely nonexistent dating life in college (and after). Getting started now feels so intensely difficult. I wish I still had time to get to know someone slowly, within my social circles, get comfortable with them, not have to rush into anything.

    I agreed to a second date with this guy and now I’m getting cold feet. I’m not going to do anything rash but I don’t feel very good about seeing him again.

  19. How do you tell the difference from someone being a bad kisser or not the way you want vs just not having physical compatibility?

    I’ve had dates where I instantly didn’t feel any attraction. This guy I’ll have a good time with but I’m not sure if physically it’s a match. I don’t know if it could grow but other guys before it’s been more easily exciting…

  20. Having a really tough time getting over my ex. Its been 2 months of us being broken up and we haven’t even been speaking, but I think about him every day.

    I’m really not even sure why, because we were only together for a few months. But it was intense, we both wanted it, and I know strong feelings were there for both of us.

    I think I’m used to guys handling me in a very specific way, and he did it mostly. But there were things I let stick with me that turned into more than perhaps they needed to in moments that ultimately messed things up between us. With him, he has his own past trauma and attachment issues that also probably make him see things in a negative way, turn them into more than they needed to be in moments, and then he shut downs. And that shut down only further pushes me into my thinking.

    In some ways I feel like he just showed me my flaws, where I need to be better if I want a long term relationship to work out. And that should be enough, that lesson. But in other ways I feel like it deserves one more attempt. Me getting over my own ego and putting myself out there to tell him how I feel and I want it to work. I’m thinking of writing him a letter, laying it all out there and just getting an answer once and for all. But I also see all the logical commentary on this type of subject saying if he isn’t contacting you for as long as we’ve been out of contact, he doesn’t care. So that I should just let it go. “If he wanted to, he would.” But its also like… but what about me? Can’t the same be said about me and my effort?


  21. Normally I rant or vent here, but not today. I had two great third dates this week that I feel good about.

    First was the rescheduled bowling date. We both had a lot of fun, constant laughing and smiles all around. The more we talk the more I’m surprised how many common interests and experiences we have. She’s 4 years younger but I think we have great compatibility and our friends would probably mesh well too. She still hasn’t given me her number, but we exchange a few messages each day on the app. Things are moving a bit slower than I’m used to, I think she’s a little guarded, but I saw her start to open up at the end of our date. She’s showing interest and is excited for our half-planned 4th date.

    Second was dinner at her place. She’s two years older than me, smart, mature, funny, absolutely gorgeous and has her shit together. I had a moment while she was talking where I realised I’m a lot more attracted to her than I expected. We snuggled and made out for a while but she was visibly falling asleep so we left it there. We have plans for dinner at my place this weekend.

    Feeling good about both women and just enjoying the fun dates and company for now. Trying not to think about focusing on one or the other just yet.

  22. I think I’m making a little progress with the guy I met while I was in the US. In short, we met while I was there, I’m in the process of moving to the states but I’m back in Denmark right now. We call/FaceTime daily. I don’t remember when we matched, but since the first time he called me we’ve been talking every single day and we spent a few full days together (sleeping and waking up next to each other etc.).

    So, we’ve known each other for a little over 5 weeks (I can’t believe it’s only been 5 weeks, feels a lot longer!).

    Quite a few times when I’ve called him the line seems to be busy. When we’re on the phone, his phone will buzz sometimes and I start to wonder who’s texting him. Sometimes he’ll tell me he has to go and he’ll call me back but he never does until the next day. Maybe it’s cause we’re in different time zones – or maybe, he’s seeing/talking to multiple women.

    My question is, is it too early to confess my feelings towards him? I don’t exactly know what it is, but I like him a lot and don’t want to waste my time. So, would it be crazy to tell him I have feelings for him? We were both kinda vague about what we were looking for at the time but I wanna know if things have changed, cause they certainly have for me. I want to tell him that I have feelings for him and I want to see where this could go. I’ve never had to have an actual talk about being exclusive as it’s always kinda been implied so I want to bring that up without sounding crazy. Idk, I just feel like it’s difficult to take things super slow when you’re that far away from each other, but also scared of pushing him away.

  23. Been on hinge (for second time) for a week now and actually getting a decent amount of matches, but quickly remembered how little they matter lol. Plenty of people dont event respond (even those who send YOU a like), or will abruptly leave you on read, plenty obvious flags revealing themselves, your average time wasters who’ll talk to you for days then shut down a plan to meet and move onto the next topic, etc.

    Oddly enough, the first person I matched with on the first day, I already had a great coffee walk and she is absolutely gorgeous to boot, we exchanged numbers after. She’s traveling now and just about to get back this weekend, so going to ping her later. But again, it is the apps, so there is a high chance I will never hear from her again…

  24. I described my situation on one of these threads earlier this week and I would like to know what you think.

    I (31M) met that woman (a couple of years older) online last spring. We went on a handful of dates and there appeared to be pretty good chemistry personality-wise. I was also very physically attracted.

    One the 4th date, we had bad sex because I was on a high SSRI dose (no arousal, ED, numbness, … the whole package). She reacted strongly and said she’d have to think about whether she could do this for a few days, because that triggered trauma (similar situation in a prior marriage that did not end well). I ended up sort of auto-rejecting myself and saying that it “wasn’t meant to be if she had to think about it” before she could reflect about it. *I really shot myself in the foot thinking it would make it less painful than a rejection, but damn, it was one of the worst decisions I’ve made…*

    I reached out a few weeks later to ask whether I had made the right call. She said something that’s been really difficult to let go of. She essentially said that *she wondered if there might have been something there*, but that the “chemistry” in bed had been bad and that things might have been different if I’d already been experienced with the SSRIs+sex combo… It was my first and only/last time while on SSRIs, so yeah, of course, it sucked. Fortunately, all the sexual issues resolved after I quit the SSRIs.

    I find myself not pursuing other opportunities for connections because I am still clinging to her saying there “might have been something there”. I’ve been living with this nagging feeling that the door is not completely shut and that I never truly got closure.

    It was 4 dates and it’s been almost 6 months. Do you think it would be wildly unreasonable to reach out and ask whether the door is fully shut? Obviously, I wouldn’t entertain this idea at all if 1) I hadn’t auto-rejected myself first 2) she hadn’t implied there might have been something there the last time we spoke 3) the sexual issues hadn’t been transient.

  25. I’ve been planning a move back to my hometown and go visit pretty often. I started seeing this guy from my hometown and we are currently in an exclusive long distance relationship. However, I won’t be going back and visiting for 2 months because this is a busy season in our field and we only get 1 day off a week.

    He talks to me everyday but it’s usually just saying hello and making a comment on something I posted on social media, OR asking how my day was. Honestly, he seems to talk to other people online more than me and he doesn’t call me. It’s really been upsetting me and it feels like he’s not interested in getting to know more about me or telling me more about himself. I don’t doubt his intentions, he is a very nice genuine guy and he says he wants to make it work despite the distance.

    He has also told me that he is worried that he’s boring before, but I told him that I love talking to him and want to get to know him better. And I know that we are both quiet and shy. I’ve tried talking to him more and while he will respond, he doesn’t seem to have any interest in initiating the same himself. In person I got the feeling that we are both shy and don’t know how to move things alone emotionally.

    Given the fact that we won’t be seeing each other for a few months, that we will be long distance for a while, and that we are still getting to know each other this really makes me wonder why he isn’t more excited to talk more often and get to know each other in this time. It just really has me wondering what’s wrong with me. I have friends who started out long distance with their partners and they were all super excited to talk to each other and spend as much time as possible because they were so interested in their partners. I feel so unloveable and uninteresting.

  26. First Friday in 8 weeks that I don’t have a date! I’m excited, I’ll order Indian food and watch a movie

  27. So many ENM ppl on these apps it’s exhausting. Good for y’all but like… us regular folks don’t even have one person yet!!

  28. I miss having crushes. The last time I had one was in 2018. I also miss going to the office for work, as crazy as that sounds.

  29. I just blocked this cute guy who seemed really into me but didn’t reply to my message for over a week. This is the third time this has happened. The first time, I moved on. Then I bumped into him again and we started talking again. The second time, I called him out and he said sorry. I figured he’d get it. But it happened again.

    Why does it hurt so much. I really liked this guy. We were still in the talking stage but we had been texting frequently and hung out a few times and sometimes we run into each other. So we might run into each other again, it’s likely.

    If a friend told me that some guy was doing this to her, I would tell her to block him. Probably after the second time but I always give an extra chance 🙁

    Please tell me this is the right thing to do. I need someone who communicates and who is consistent and, despite the amazing vibe we had and the obvious attraction, I think it just isn’t him.

    I have to block him for me to understand it’s truly over and not happening. Not leaving the door open anymore. But it hurts

    Also how do I get over this scarcity mindset??? I don’t feel attraction often, although it has happened twice this year so that’s pretty good. But I need to believe that I can meet someone. And this isn’t the end of the world. Why is this so difficult for me

  30. Just got back from a date, and I think I’ve been reverse-catfished. On her account she had a simple look, plain if you will, with equally plain clothes. Just ‘normal’. As am I.

    However, she looked like a super model in real life. Beautiful make-up, elegantly dressed, high heels, and cleavage so deep, that I strained my neck and eye muscles by actively not looking at it.

    Great date, too. Spent nearly 4 hours talking.

    I think I’m going to get the ‘just friends’ treatment, though. But that’s OK.

  31. Something I struggle with is really not knowing when to reject someone. I mean I can get invested in anyone’s story and I like to think I can make decent conversation with most people, *and* I have a track record of my actual “crushes” being one sided all the time and the vibe never being what I think it is… so I just don’t trust my instincts anymore. I find myself dissociating a bit on dates, like, sure I’ll kiss this person or whatever, even if I’m not *feeling* it, because I kind of just don’t trust my feelings anymore. Like it doesn’t feel *bad*, though it doesn’t feel amazing either, but maybe… is that how it’s supposed to be? I honestly don’t know. As long as there are no glaring red flags, I can really convince myself I’m excited about someone. I can find the little things that are endearing. I can convince myself “that was a nice kiss.” Then the lines of what is “attraction” get really blurry. And it’s usually not that there’s *no* attraction either… I feel maybe a little something, though not near “damn I have to kiss you” level that I feel when I have a crush.

    When does it end and I say “no they’re not for me”? If I ask my friends for input, they usually just encourage me to see the good and keep giving the person a chance.

    Am I the only one who has this problem? I don’t know, maybe it’s just a matter of not meeting the right people.

  32. I went on a mid-week date with someone from the apps as I am interstate this weekend and he is away next weekend. We had a drink and just chatted for a couple of hours. We had a lot in common and I felt a little connection, but there was no touching/kissing or overt flirtiness and at the end he asked if I wanted to get dinner next week. Last night we were messaging and he offered to pick me up from the airport when I get back on Sunday and make me dinner. I can’t decide if this is 1. him trying to get into my pants 2. love bombing or 3. an emotionally available guy who wants to do something nice. I like this guy, but I feel like I just don’t trust my own judgement anymore.

  33. I’m sure it’s been said a thousand times on here but it really has only come to my realisation recently that this world is built for couples. I’m 31F and it’s been this way for a few years but I’m only figuring out what it is that seems so off. I still compare myself to my younger brothers too, their social lives are active and mine has really died a death, especially in the last two years. I try to make sure I’m seeing a friend once a week, and I alway see my family every week, but otherwise I live alone with my cat (what a cliche!)

    Yet I’ve been single for a while and struggle to imagine someone else in my life, taking up that much time. My friends weekends are spent seeing their in-laws SO OFTEN. I just imagine my social life picking up more (if I made more effort).

    I of course fantasise about being engaged and going out on dates, but not sure I’m actually ready for the monotony of living with someone, but at the same time feel lonely. But I don’t want to fix that just by dating someone! I wish my friends were more available that’s all.

    I don’t think this world is built for single people past a certain age. Weekends away, holidays, mid-week dates. And yes we can do those things ourselves of course – and I do really enjoy doing things myself, no compromising and sometimes I want to experience some things but without the input or thoughts/opinions of someone else – but whenever I’m doing things alone I almost always happen to see groups of friends or couples that make me feel even lonelier. So it’s easier to be lonely (or alone) at home.

  34. Not for the first time I’ve been dealing with women that seem to have a “perform for me” attitude. I’m sending thoughtful questions referencing their interests and I’m getting back very little to go off of in return. If you’re not going to actually try then why match!? I’m also sick of being told to have patience and grace for other people’s life situations when no one ever seems to give a fuck about mine. “They’re probably busy or have other people to talk to” I say again, WHY MATCH if that’s the case. What I want is apparently impossible because of like someone to make an effort *for me* just once. Do we want to get off the apps or not!? Then make the fucking effort /end rant

  35. Had a first date. We got on, chatted for 3 hours, had a couple of drinks. But there never felt like a romantic spark at any point. I was sorta attracted to her. Hugged on arrival and departure. And that was that.

    Probably we won’t follow up with a 2nd, I suppose it should feel more positive than that if it was successful, right? I have no reference point really, my last dating phase was 10 years ago and it was usually alcohol fueled dates.

  36. How true is if he likes you’ll know and if he doesn’t you’ll be confused?

    I casually dated someone for three months before I moved overseas and ended it when I developed feelings for them. The whole time was confusing because we said it was casual, then he agreed to being friends with benefits exclusively, told me thought we could’ve been serious at one point but I was moving and also treated me like an interchangeable booty call. I never knew how he felt about me.

    I’m heading back to the city we met for a visit and I’m not sure if I should reach out.

  37. I try to texting some guy on app,they invite me to meet up but I feel freaked out and couldn’t do it. My last date was 1 months ago and during time I felt fucked up,eat a lot,did every lazy bum stuff lol
    I forgot how to make up or what kind of date outfit suits this cold temperature… I don’t knowwww
    I want to try again but I don’t know how can I motivate myself again.

  38. Today I accepted an offer for a much more senior role and a significant pay rise within my company. I’m really happy, a little nervous, but mostly proud of myself, and I have no one to celebrate with. My family and closest friends live in Europe. I can’t even call them now to share the news because of the time difference. The guy I have been dating for three months is on a plane to Asia for a 2-week assignment. My closest friends here are all super busy and usually need a one-week notice if I want to see them. If it had been an in-office day I would probably have done happy hour with my closest coworkers, but here I am at home with my cat. That’s an example of when I miss having a partner. Having someone at home with me I could give a high five to, hug tightly, pop a bottle to celebrate, or go out for a spontaneous celebratory dinner with, even if nothing fancy, would be nice.

  39. Has anyone successfully been friends with an ex? Or been ok with a partner being friends with a recent ex?

  40. My life sucks at present. Too bad I have to fix it hat first rather than looking for someone to distract me or save me from myself. At least I’m aware of what I need to do. Meh.

  41. What boundaries do you consider acceptable in your romantic relationship when it comes to your partner’s interactions with friends of the opposite gender? Are there specific scenarios or activities, such as travel, gift-giving, one-on-one outings, drinking, traveling together, or connections with ex-partners, where you feel it’s important to establish clear boundaries?

  42. Re: [](


    Finally had the talk with the girl about how I was feeling and we were open and honest and vulnerable with each other but it didn’t really go anyway. We just want different things. It was shitty of her to not be upfront about not wanting to be monogamous but I understand her point of view, she’s never really dated and always been in a relationship and wants to go through her single girl phase and didn’t really indicate it properly on the app. She did say she’s not actively looking for new people anymore but is seeing one other person and would like to keep seeing us both. It sucks how she’s kinda putting the decision on me to keep seeing her or end things.

    I wish she wasn’t such a good match for me so I could just end this easy. Going to talk again in a few days and I’m not sure what to say. Waiting around for her to get “being single” out of her system isn’t really fair for either of us. I know I should just end it to save myself the pain but it’s going to be tough. I wish I could just like hire someone to take control of my brain for a few hours and do this.

  43. Welp. Yesterday I made a post wishing the guy I dated would text me because I missed him but admitted those thoughts weren’t healthy. Guess what? He texted me today 😮

    It’s possible his friend might’ve seen me on Tinder or something.

  44. I know this is the daily sticky threads for raves… But I haven’t ever seen any links for rave locations for us 30 and overs…

  45. The two-week streak of texting daily with Ikea Guy ended two days ago after inviting him to a coffee. I guess I’ll text him tomorrow to confirm if he still wants to go out with me on Sunday 🥲

  46. Curious what other 30 year olds have their age preferences set to?
    I’ve recently considered going under 30 as a 34f.
    What’s too young or too old for you and the reason you feel that way?

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