I’ll go first! My last date from a dating site that made me never want to download another app. I looked past the part where he wasn’t as tall as what he said, didn’t look anything like his photo and he probably didn’t shower before the date. I was like cool, I made a new friend. We were laughing and having fun, all is good. After an hour of conversing, I readjusted in the seat, and the booth made a popping sound. I laughed it off and said it wasn’t me. Because it really wasn’t. Everything changed in him. He became a jerk. 1. As we were eating, he’s telling me how to pack a diabetic wound. I’m a nurse so that didn’t bug me when I was eating. I just reminded him I know how to 2. Then he proceeded to call his daughters mom names. 3. He asked me about my faith, and as I was telling him about my church, he just got mad and yelled at me saying.” I don’t need to go to church to have a religion.” I’m like dude you asked me.
Then I was just done when I leaned forward to take a bite out of my hot wings, and there was an overwhelming stale stench that made me nauseous. It was him. Oh it should have been a red flag for mid 30’s and he wanted to go to Bob Evan’s on a first date. I took the scenic route home to make sure he wasn’t following me.

1 comment
  1. Went out with a guy I spoke with online. Proceeded to ask me questions about my race. The typical, where are you from asked repeatedly even after you give an answer. Went from the state, to city where I was born and raised, then asked where are your parents from. Then I asked him the same question, and he goes. Oh I’m just white. Yeahhhhh no.

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