I met this girl through hinge n it started good as usual n then we met
Our first date was good n on our 2nd date we made out well I asked her that does she wanna make out n then boom she took me to a shady street but here’s the thing that pisses me off I.e her fuckin friends they like always has to call but I get it she seems a little bit of ppl pleaser so on our 3rd day she said that she is going to set her friends new flat n she invited me to come over, which I very well understood but somehow on that day her friends parents came n we have to drop the plan but in night I went to see her but what a wonder her friend was aslo there so basically thirdweeling while we were making out…which I told her like why she’s here but we’ll she told me that she’s staying at her place n she can only come out w her since it was past the curfew and also it was also not safe to leave her friend alone which I so understood….so after that we kinda stopped talking as we used to…so later I was asking to meet but something came up w her n same was happening w me some or the other thing came up w me
So one day what happens i Sent her a funn video for which she didt replied n I got all anxious like what happened n I asked her if am I bothering you then just say it n later she replies no dummy I was jus way to busy n blah blah blah n later she said a dumb wyd text for which I replied I really appreciate it but it’s jus that I’m not in my right headspace n then she says take your time
After that I didn’t texted her for 2 days n later she makes a pvt story n puts her dog on it n she does know how much I love dogs n then I replied to it
Later that day she said taht she wanna tell me something that she won’t be able to fit in the chat box…
N dumb me just switched the conversation to something else
N On next day she ask me to meet her up for which I said yes but later was’t able to make up since something came n I told her that
So next day I texted her let’s meet n guess what she does the same says yes n then later says that there’s an assignment she has to do n she won’t be able to make up
After 2 days later I texted her let’s meet but turns out she was sleeping idk if she really was
Then I called her she didn’t pick it up n after an hour calls me back n agreed to meet
So here’s the part where it all messed up when I came to meet her she says that her friend needs her cauz there some guy creeping her out which she met on bumble ig n she needs her to pick her up n later says we have 20min n I was completely blown up cauz I got a tee for her for which she says she can’t take it to her home
Then I took the wise turn n didn’t reacted m asked her to leave
She usually sends a have u reached home text but in taht day she didn’t which made me lil anxious
N later on next day it all just rilled up n I asked her what’s the deal w her for which she says nothing n she is not proud of what she did yesterday
N I replied “if you don’t have a mouth to call things off it better to call it off”
For which she says taht no such thing started here
N I replied that I’m done
Later she removes me from snap n hinge but doesn’t deletes my number
N when I realised that well I have fucked up I sent her an apology for which she said taht she doesn’t care
N from this point it’s all a mess there has been silent treatment from her n jus being rude
Later she says it’s better that if we both go our own separate ways
N I after that I said I like her n shit ,well it was at the very wrong time
N after taht she doesn’t reply for a week
N after a week of being anxious i texted her
N again she says she it’s better if I take a step down
N later she says that she doesn’t feel taht we’re on the same page n she doesn’t want any complications in life right now
Now it been 3 days I haven’t replied I really don’t know what to do now
Ps:- if you are still that’s for reading my boy trauma n do tell your pov

1 comment
  1. Hope you are doing well. It sounded that you start feeling anxious when she doesn’t give you attention. How did that anxiety issue came from? Is it truly because of her? When else does it happens? Figure out how you can pour love and give more attention to yourself other than seeking from others.

    Rejection is redirection. What can you do right now to go back to yourself? Would it be doing activities, exercising, finding someone to chat. Get your mind clear-headed then ask yourself what do you want in a partner. Is it someone attentive to your needs, loyal and truthful? Make a list of what you would like in a partner then the next time you go dating, you would be prepared the kind of girls to look out for.

    All the best!

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