About a month ago my ex (29M) broke up with me (26F) after about 4 months together. The conversation was VERY brief, he ended things and tried to say some BS about me being a really great person and I just told him we didn’t need to do that and he could leave.

We haven’t spoken since and I obviously do not intend to reach out first as the dumpee, but I want his stuff gone. I put all his crap in a box and put it in my car so I don’t have to look at it, but he lives like 30 mins away and I’m never in his town so it is just in my car.

I want to drop it off at his place but he lives in a house and always has his front door opened so I’m worried he will see me when I go to leave it on his doorstep + I really don’t want to drive about an hour round trip just to drop his crap off. He also hasn’t reached out to ask about any of it which I find kind of odd, but truthfully I feel like dropping it off would help to close that chapter for me, maybe?

What do y’all advise I do with it?

1 comment
  1. It’s his shit he should come get it. Tell him if he doesn’t want it then you’re getting rid of it. Don’t waste your gas.

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