So like most men, I enjoy feeling a balance of “work” when it comes to sex. With that, I like the idea of my girlfriend (f24) getting on top. I can probably count on my hand the amount of times where she was willing to get on top. When discussing this, she used to say she just doesn’t feel like she knows what she’s doing.

After discussing it again, she told me the reason was her bitch-ass ex used to talk shit about how she looked when she was on top and make fun of her techniques. She obviously understands that I won’t make fun of her during sex unless it was something legitimately funny that we’re both laughing at. Hell, after dating for 3 years, I still thank her afterwards because *respect.* I still won’t ever touch her titty without some form of consent.

Anyway, how could I help make her comfortable in the situation? Is it better for me to just accept that I’m a top? I always enjoy when she does occasionally get on top, but I’d like for it to happen a little more frequently. Thanks in advance.

  1. What about if you sit up so you’re chest to chest while she’s on top? She might feel less exposed, which could help. Then you can also wrap her in your arms or guide her hips with your hands if she likes that.

    Make sure to encourage her and tell her how good she’s doing, which I’m sure you already do – by the sounds of it, you have good communication 🙂

    P.S. her ex sounds like trash

  2. Sit up and kiss her while she does it and maybe help her out by grabbing her booty and move it for her or thrust upwards. Sorry about her shitty ex I had something similar happen to me I’m sure if you work together she will find her confidence in doing it 🙂 x

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