I realise that I enjoy the feeling of nails being lightly drawn across my skin or sensitive areas, I haven’t really experimented doing it harder or with anything sharper but there’s a very appealing feeling when I put pressure on my frenulum (willy string) when I’m between the phase of after my fingernails having grown slightly and before I decide to trim them.

Putting this sharp friction and pressure on the string seems to captivate my attention with the sharp but not painful feeling of pleasure and anxiety that it gives. I realise that I enjoy stimulating this area with quite a lot of sharp or coarse friction and I sometimes wonder if there are ways that I could explore it with objects outside of my immediate body, I have wondered and sometimes fantasise about using sharp instruments but I am terrified of the possibility of risking my health and safety or seriously/painfully injuring myself, even though I have some slightly fringe interest in the idea of cutting or scraping myself (I should definitely clarify that this is a pleasure/fantasy interest though and not self-harm related).

I have little awareness as to whether this is a common thing or not because I have never had a sexual encounter before and I rarely if ever dabble in pornography (especially not fringe stuff) so is this normal and is there a healthy way to approach it?

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