My (21 M) GF (22 F) of 4yr slept with 4 different men since we have been together.

This is my first time posting on this subreddit and I’m using a throwaway because my partner knows my other account.

My GF has a very high body count and I was aware of that before I started dating her. I had no problem with it because I didn’t think it would be an issue if we got into a relationship.

I’ve only had 2 other relationships other than this one and have been cheated on in both. First one left me for a friend she told me not to worry about and the other slept with two of her ex’s behind my back.

I have an issue with letting my partners get away with things and not act on my emotions. Anyways back to my current relationship.

She first cheated on me when she sleep with one of her guy friends that she told me not to worry about. But she felt guilty and told me immediately after and promised it would be the last time and blah blah blah.

2nd time was with another guy friend and this time she didn’t tell me until 3 months. I caught chlamydia from one of those two guys. Only reason she told me about her sleeping with two guys is because I was in the room with her when the doctor called to tell her she tested positive. She had slept with him on Valentine’s Day behind my back even tho I had only spent time with her hours prior but had to work.

3rd time was with a guy she was seeing when we were on a “break” or should I say when she was on a break and I was unaware of it happening. This guy she caught feelings for and slept with him. He blocked her on everything and she was pretty heartbroken or acted like it.

4th time I have no idea when it happened but I know it did because I found her body count list with names and details. I think it must’ve been recent because she got tested for STI randomly and said that it’s recommended everyone get tested once a year. But if we’re only sleeping with each other I don’t see the point.

I have never slept with anyone during the relationship or come close. I once had a date with a girl when we we were on an official break but didn’t go anywhere. I have a few times liked other girls ig posts or complimented them.

She made me cut off all of my female friends and befriended the ex that cheated on me and the girl I went on a date with.
She always accuses me of cheating on her at work with nurses or other coworkers which I never have.

I feel like I’ve had enough and I want to end things because my mental health is really struggling but I feel manipulated on staying. She has never had a deep conversation on her cheating and always brushes it off.

My lease with her ends in Sept and I want end things before that. Looking for advice.

  1. Talk to your landlord and see if they’re reasonable. Sorry for what you’ve gone through.

  2. Simply move out all ur stuff quietly n slowly get anything important to you change passwords for bank stuff and important accounts and once everything has been moved and you have a new place already set up go and talk things out say what u gotta get off ur chest say good by and leave

  3. Or find i girl willing to take ur lease that needs a place n just sublease n dip

  4. Dude you forgave her after she kept fucking so many guys (that you know of). What is wrong with you. Where was your self respect after the first time she cheated on you ???

  5. She is not that into you. 4 different guys during your relationship? She’s just using you. I’m so sorry. You seem very nice and patient and you don’t deserve that. As someone else mentioned, just quietly move out and move on with your life. I wish nothing but the best for you!

  6. Sorry dude. You deserve better. Talk to your landlord. Worst case can you bunk with family/friends for a few months

  7. I get how you maybe could have forgiven her for the first one…but then came 2.. 3 AND 4?

    bro.. You need to up your standards, grow a spine and stop simping… And don’t go for these girls with high body counts and emotional baggage

  8. She has cheated on you four times and you are still with her? Pack your things and leave as soon as you can. Don’t wait for the fifth time!

  9. Ask your landlord if they’re willing to cut some kind of deal for you to move out early and break the lease. Or, check your lease and see if you can sublet.

  10. Most landlords are happy to cut leases when there is a breakup in the works. They are realists and they want nothing more than their property to remain intact and often having two people living there who are at war is the last thing they want.

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