So this coworker is very nice, I’ve been working there for about two months.

She has her ups and downs, she gets very stressed sometimes and she takes it out on the most vulnerable.

As I was learning she would be rude sometimes if I did something wrong and in front of everybody.

The third time she disrespected me, I called her in a corner and told her:

“I don’t know if you can notice but you’re very rude to me”

She starts saying sorry…
I keep saying:

“I know we can get stressed easily here, but I don’t take it out on you, so please don’t take it out on me”

Then I held her hand saying thank you and she left saying sorry, she didn’t know where to hide.

She could barely look at my face.

She’s nice and funny, now she is more like ashamed about that I suppose since she still talks to me but she keeps a safe distance you know.
She never again disrespected me.

And now I’m sure she has more respect towards me, she even changed her way to ask me for stuff.

Once I called her for help and she said “I don’t care” but I was learning and she came anyways because she knew I was new and that she was supposed to help me and I said “why are you here? You said you don’t care” and she was like “I don’t, but I need to”. She had a point lol but she was rude and now she just know that I’m not anyone that remains passive anymore while there is someone treating me disrespectfully.
I’ll always call them out from now on, you feel empowered, self-respect is everything and I do recommend.

  1. That’s great! You don’t always have to raise your voice or be confrontational, a quiet word is sometimes all that’s needed. 🙂

  2. I’m glad you stuck up for yourself! But be careful about alienating yourself from the rest of your coworkers as you sound a little condescending and smug. Again, I get what it’s like to be pushed toward a breaking point so I get the attitude you have so I’m just saying be careful. You don’t want to be the person your co workers walk on egg shells around.

    Also, I don’t think she has more respect for you, she just says the stuff behind your back now..

  3. It’s so difficult. Some people take it on board and lay off, some people double down and make your life worse.

  4. Depending on how you did it she might find you attractive now. I did this with a girl and she started calling me “lovely” 😂

    You need to ignore her as much as possible. Only pull her to one side if she’s being unreasonable. But otherwise if she’s reasonable just be reasonable back.

  5. You sound super condescending and creepy. If a coworker grabbed my hand and tried to hold it while talking to me like a child…sheeeeesh.

    I highly doubt she respects you at all. She probably is being cautious around you in case you do something weird.

    It is good to stand up for yourself, but there is an etiquette.

  6. Another nice line to tell someone is this: Praise in public and condemn in private. (it keeps a person’s integrity.) Which is what it sounds like you did. Nice job.

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