Me and the partner disagree on this and she says squash first then water, I’m of the opposite opinion and say water first then squash, help me with this one Reddit .

Ok I’m clearly in the wrong here, time to re-evaluate a few things hahahaha

Edit 2.
I do make tea the correct way, Milk being added last that is.

  1. Squash first surely? In my mind it makes sense to dilute the squash rather than squashify the water

  2. Squash first because then the water helps mix it in. If I do squash after it seems to floats about and not dilute nicely

  3. Squash first. To see the amount and to mix it when the water goes in.

  4. I don’t drink it, but when I make it for younger relatives it’s always squash first.

  5. Squash first so the water mixes it more even and faster.

    If you put water first the squash slowly mixes untill it hits the bottom.

  6. Squash first. If you add squash to water, it never mixes properly and tastes weak.

  7. Squash first, can easily see how much I’ve put in

    Didn’t even know water first was an option.

  8. My ex fiance used to insist on water first, squash second, and then *stir it with a knife handle*. He liked to think he was a bit of an intellectual and was convinced he was right for some ridiculous reason he had made up himself but I can’t help but think he was just a wind-up merchant and/or an idiot.

    Every decent person knows you put the squash in first so you can see more accurately how much you put in, and because the force of the water being poured onto it helps mix it together.

  9. My kid adds water first…sadly the DNA tests confirm we are related and I just have to accept I’ve failed as a parent.

  10. Always start with the diluting juice otherwise you won’t know how strong it is

  11. Squash first, then water. If the squash goes in 2nd it will need stirring.

  12. Definitely squash first the water mixes it up nicely, when you put squash in second it tastes crap.

  13. I’m a water first man, I judge how strong it is based on the colour of the juice. I’ve never thought this weird till now

  14. Squash first, always.

    This is critical information that the nation needs to hear.

  15. People add water FIRST?! This sounds like the sort of tale told by adults to scare small children tbh. Because if you DO add water first, well, you MONSTERS! Stop that now. Do it properly. Do it right. We are a proud nation.

  16. Squash first, I can judge the correct amount easier than trying to guess where I need to stop filling up with water to add the right amount of squash afterwards.

  17. Squash first. Unless you put the squash in 2nd and then stir it so it mixes but what’s the point in that?

  18. Squash first, easier to judge amount you’ve put in and then the water helps to mix it all better

  19. Squash first. Water first is weird. It’s like putting tonic before the gin – no.

  20. Mods can we get op banned or something? We can’t have his type running around this sub

  21. I’m with you OP!

    If I added the squash first I’d either add too little (and so have to add some in at the end anyway or need to add in less water so would end up with a half full glass) or I would add too much (and so I’d have to pour out some of the glass after filling it to add more water).

  22. I do water first – squash first means the squash mostly sits at the bottom (as I put ice in generally, it doesn’t mix that well), and then I have to stir it or something.

    Water first means that I can aim for a specific colour, meaning I can get a consistent strength of drink without having to pour super carefully.

  23. Water then squash. Whilst I acknowledge that squash then water is the superior way, mixes it faster and better, I don’t care and will always do water first. I just enjoy watching the colourful squash swirl and mix into the water

  24. I’ve always done squash then water, however your question prompted me to try it the other way around and.. Well, it more sensible. I can now use a arbitrary amount of water and then add squash until its the right colour. No more pouring in the amount of squash I know is right for a glass, and then topping it off with water. I can half half a glass, a quarter, two thirds, any arbitrary amount and still get the concentration right.

    Oh and looking a little down the thread, I don’t seem to have to mix my squash once added to the water, it dissipates perfectly adequately on its own in a moment or two. It may then depend on the squash being used (I’m using Robinsons Pink Grapefruit..). Potentially the water may matter too (I tried with both sparkling bottled water and now just straight up tap..). Works either way.

    You’ve changed my life.

  25. I used to be squash first then water, but have changed my mind in the last decade.

    It’s easier to get the volume of water right in the glass first, then add the right amount of squash. Perhaps some brands don’t mix well so squash first works better then, but not a problem for me.

    Stay strong my squash supplementing sibling.

  26. I used to put the squash in first. I did it that way for years. Decades, in fact. But then one day I was taken by a strange urge to put the water in first and then top up until the squash was the right consistency. I think I was spurred to this by the constantly escalating concentration of squash drinks shaking my squash fundamentals, meaning I had to devise a new way to prepare the perfect glass of squash. Too many times did I end up with something too weak or too strong. It was chaos.

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