If a woman is a 10 what would instantly bump her down and to what number? Superficial answers are also welcome. Asking for a friend šŸ˜‰

Likewise, what would bump a 5 up a couple points?

Obviously this is all subjective.

  1. If they’re not polite to servers and general customer service people. Instant turnoff.

    On the flip side a good personality and caring demeanor.

  2. Very anything. Like if she is vegan to the point of being annoying about it or for example so spiritual her all she talks about is tshakras and whatnot. Just too much of anything is usually what bumps anyone down from the pedestal.

  3. If you’re balls deep on Astrology. Immediately removes you from potential long term partner category and you’ll need to be super hot for me consider short term fun

  4. How they treat people close to them. Youā€™d be surprised how many women Iā€™ve met who take their best friends or spouses for granted, and even treat them poorly.

    You pick up on it, and it can even be directed towards you. Just give off a judgmental vibe and donā€™t take into consideration of other people or take interest in other perspectives and lives.

    I remember I dated this very visually attractive girl out of college and youā€™d walk into a date with people saying things like, ā€œHowā€™d you manage that?ā€

    But after a few weeks you realized they havenā€™t even asked much about you and things you talked about were quickly twisted into things they want to talk about.

    Very off-putting to me

  5. Smoking. Instantly drops a 10 to a 7 and possibly disqualifying if she’s a heavy smoker. That smell gets everywhere, hair, body, bed linens, and OMG your car.

    Cruel/Karen to a service worker or waitstaff. I don’t care how hot you are, if you throw a tantrum to the teenager making your salad at Chopt because they weren’t allowed to give you extra tofu for free, I’m leaving your sassy ass there.

    On the other hand, a woman that shares a lot of my interests goes up quite a bit. Football fan? Like my team? Can actually identify the difference between a cross route and a post route? I might be in love. I’ll learn all about midcentury modern design style for that.

  6. Probably my biggest disqualified is if sheā€™s rude or hostile to service workers.

  7. >Likewise, what would bump a 5 up a couple points?

    Actually being affectionate in a kind way.

  8. Smelling bad, being really dumb and no personality.

    When I say no personality is someone that has no substance, no particular interests, no weird/crazy/interesting things. Most people I know has some interesting traits but occasionally I met someone that is so boring and uninteresting.

    For example, there’s this woman new in your team at work. She is fairly attractive and young. However she is just there, no conversation skills, lacks some social awareness, her topics of conversation are very superficial.

    It’s not just me, most of the team think the same. Basically is the type of women most men would sleep but then ditch her. I wonder that’s the reason she’s still single.

  9. If she has a passion, any passion whatsoever, she’s instantly more attractive in my eyes.

    Could be anything – sailing, crochet, makeup, improv, rugby, homesteading, blacksmithing. Just please do something with your life besides doomscrolling on social media and/or taking pictures of your bum for strangers.

  10. I knew a fairly hot girl in highschool who would dip tobacco. She would carry around an old Gatorade bottle to spit in. Super gross.

  11. When a girl is mean to poor people it just does something to me that makes me want them so bad.

  12. Eating/chewing loudly, talking with mount full will drop a 10 to a 0 instantaneously, I might not even be able to sit through the meal.
    (Excluding actual crunchy food like chips for the noise)
    Bad teeth, overly feminist/loony lefty (gets annoyed when opening the door for them, thinks men can be woman) instant 10 to 0
    Being rude, not wanting kids, pretending to be interested in something.

    A sense of humour, manners, not being a slob in general, driving a manual are positives.

  13. Iā€™m probably going to get downvoted for this, but having an annoying dog. Youā€™re going to be expected to LOVE that dog just as much as she does? Can you make that happen when youā€™re chilling with her in her one bedroom apartment and that damn thing is climbing all over you?

  14. I met a girl at my job at first she was not my type at all and I didnt think she was attractive but the more I’m talking to her the more I find her attractive because she got a great smile, remember things that I said even things that dont matters, she’s asking questions and she’s funny. Her personality makes her cute.

  15. Having an Onlyfans or posting thirst trap stuff on Instagram. If I were single, I’d never want to be with a girl that does that stuff.

  16. Attractive: Friendly/kind to others and intelligent.

    Less attractive: fake hair & nails and excessive makeup.

  17. I found in high school that I need an intellectual equal. Not that Iā€™m a genius, but airheads are a huge turnoff. I need interesting conversation and debate in a relationship.

    There was a really attractive girl who I spent a lot of time with, fooled around, etc, but I just couldnā€™t date her and we eventually just went our separate ways. She hung on every word I said like it was the most profound revelation. I donā€™t know in hindsight if she played dumb as a way of flirting, or if it was genuine. Either way, I just couldnā€™t sign up for HOURS of these conversations if we were to date.

  18. Politics does it for me. Some objectively attractive people become monsters in my eyes, and I canā€™t see any of the attraction anymore.

    Also, if a pretty woman has died, I canā€™t fantasize about her.

  19. Instantly more or less attractive?

    Laughing and smiling women are more attractive.

    Sad and crying women are less attractive

  20. Icks.. halitosis, vaginosis, too hairy, too much makeup, overweight

    Iā€™d argue that most women who are not overweight and ā€œin-shapeā€, without yellow teeth, are attractive. Mascara seems to bump most up a point or 2, not all that cake faced stuff. Thereā€™s 5-7 points.

  21. I was once on a date at a craft cocktail bar with a woman I had met online. Things were going well until she told me she didn’t like music. The worst part was that we’d already ordered a second round of drinks. Couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

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