Hi y’all, I did read thru the FAQs and past posts, most were related to ED or inability to achieve orgasm. My issue is not really either of those.

I’d love some guidance or tips from men who have faced similar issues. For the last 10 mo. or so, I’ve felt very little pleasure in my orgasms. I am still able to get it up consistently, I have libido, and ejaculate the same amount, that’s not the issue, this is not ED. When I cum, I feel the “jolt” down my legs but it just feels like I’m urinating warm liquid in spurts when I cum. I’ve already told my primary care, who said they didn’t have any answers for me and were surprised to hear about the issue with my age and health, said I’d have to see a urologist for next steps. Before I do that, just wanting to lay it all out there to see if anyone has any other ideas that can help.

**Some additional details about me and my situation:**

\-33 years old male. Only Rx is topical for baldness (finasteride/Minoxidil), but the issue started before I started taking these.

\-very fit (trail runner 10-20 mi/week, bike 30-40 mi/wk, and do strength training 4-5x week). Overtraining I **don’t** believe is the issue because a.) i’m not overtraining IMO, I’ve been doing this for years and with men who train even harder b.) when I have taken breaks (1-3 wks at a time) it has no effect on this issue. I did wonder if the bike seat was irritating my peraneum, but again I took a break from biking and noticed no effect/improvement. I have done all of these fitness activities for years, by the way. I take creatine 3-4x per week as a fitness supplement.

\-no other health conditions of note, seriously

\-Bloodwork/Testosterone levels:

2 mo ago: 733 (not low at all). For this reason, and becuase I can still get it up consistently and do have decent libido, I don’t think it’s a hormonal thing. My blood panel otherwise came out fine. LDL a little high, but manageable. Did a Dexa scan, was pleased w/ the results (13.9% body fat).

\-eat as healthy as possible. High protein, plentiful fruits/veggies, carbs from whole food sources

\-zero alcohol/tobacco/drug use. None.

\-stress: moderate day to day, nothing outrageous.

\-sleep: \~7 hours per night according to smartwatch. I can’t stay asleep any longer than that

\-I have been single since my last breakup last Fall. I had sex with a girl once in April, I remember not feeling much then either when I ejaculated inside her with a condom on.

\-started doing Kegels, those seemed to maybe help a bit at first, but effect has waned even though I’ve continue doing Kegels daily.

**Possible causes/things I’ve tried:**

\-Overactive/enlarged bladder? I am urinating quite a bit throughout the day. But I also stay super super hydrated and drink coffee in the morning. Doing kegels helped with urinary retention a bit. I wondered if I was not spacing my peeing then cumming not far enough apart. Verdict is still out on this one. Per the Huberman podcast I’ve tried to stop drinking liquids around 3pm. Haven’t noticed much of a change though. I’m only 32 and my dad says we don’t have a family history of enlarged prostate. But perhaps my bike riding had an impact?

\-Perhaps caused by unlucky genes? I am not going to ask my dad about this issue though.

\-I’ve tried edging. That used to help when I was younger, but nowadays doesn’t have any impact on the sensation. It just feels like I’m urinating(or spurting more pee) more when I cum.

\-I’ve tried taking breaks from masturbating anywhere from 2-5 days, no impact on sensation. I do ejaculate more volume when I wait longer, just feels like I’m urinating/spurting more pee.

\-sometimes standing up and cumming or going on my kneees has helped make it feel a tiny bit better. Maybe works 20-30% of the time.

\-This is all from masturbation, I haven’t been with a woman since April, but again even then I noticed this issue when I ejaculated.

**Current status:**

This issue has caused me to feel considerably down about my guy parts and every time I cum now and it doesn’t feel good, I feel deflated. I feel like I have no answers and it’ll be like this forever. I just wanted to see if any other men have faced this issue and what you’ve done. Thank you in advance for reading.

1 comment
  1. I know you said it started before you started taking finasteride, but is it possible the problem was less severe at one point and got worse after you started taking it? Did the pleasure associated with orgasm just disappear completely one day or was it a gradual process?

    Have you ever taken antidepressants or Accutane?

    Does masturbation still feel pleasurable up until the point of ejaculation?

    I’ve seen a lot of people with the same problem as you in /r/sexualanhedonia. Sadly, I don’t know if there’s a clear solution.

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