I’m facing a challenge at work and I’m hoping to get some insights or advice from you all. In one-on-one interactions, I’m quite adept at mirroring personalities and adapting my communication style to make conversations flow smoothly. This approach helps me connect better with individuals. However, things get complicated when I’m in a setting with multiple people.

In group settings, I struggle to maintain this adaptive approach. It becomes overwhelming to mirror multiple personalities simultaneously, and as a result, I tend to withdraw from these interactions. This withdrawal isn’t because I want to be rude or disinterested; it’s more about feeling overloaded and not knowing how to engage with so many people at once.

My biggest concern is that my colleagues might perceive my withdrawal as rudeness or disinterest, which is not my intention. This is starting to impact my relationships at the office. When faced with group conversations, my mind often goes blank, adding to the stress of these situations.

Does anyone have any tips or strategies for managing social interactions in group settings, especially in a professional environment? How can I better navigate these situations without feeling overwhelmed or giving off the wrong impression?

Thank you in advance for your help!

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