Hi, this is a serious question.

I have a flight coming up on this Friday at 15:45 from Heathrow, and obviously the clocks just changed last month and we’re now 1 hour behind BST. But will the airports follow our new time (which is 15:45 locally) or would it take into account the BST before? (Which would be 16:45 instead?)

Idk if it’s making sense but the simple question is whether do I just look at our current time instead? lol

  1. Yes they follow BST so a plane always takes off at 7am regardless of the time of year.

    On the morning of the change some planes will arrive an hour later/earlier than they did the day before

  2. Why would airports not have the same time as the rest of the country? BST stands for British SUMMER Time. It is not more right or more wrong than GMT, it is just the time we use in summer.

  3. FYI our airports run on EST to they can follow New York time rather than the very logical and obvious local time.

    Questions on this sub get more and more ridiculous.

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