I’m (32) still wearing shirts from high school. I have one belt I got back in 2008. Where should I shop? I’m kind of sick of wearing the same things everyday but don’t really know where to turn. Thoughts?

  1. I’m 55. I moved across the country a decade ago. I don’t think I’ve bought any clothes since I moved. Maybe some socks I haven’t opened yet.

  2. I go on 6-9 month calorie deficits and then back on a 9 month bulk so my wardrobe changes just cause the same clothes don’t fit me the same as before. When I was 20 a large shirt would be a perfect fit now at 25 it’s way too small. I wish I could wear shirts from highschool but I just have completely body.

    Shopping for clothes kinda depends on what vibe you’re going for:

    You trying to be in style? Probably pac sun, Tilly’s, or hollister, ask a worker there what clothes are in style for guys and they’ll help.

    If you just wanna do like suburban dad core then the sale section at Walmart is always a good choice.

    More goth emo look then I’d suggest hot topic.

  3. Usually I got some kind of clothes items every month or two. Probably most items are in the rotation for two to three years before they Go bye bye. All tho sweaters and jeans last much longer.

  4. So it depends – I buy work cloths monthly because I have to dress up and hate the same look but normal
    Cloths basically never lol

  5. When I need to replace something that’s getting worn out. I don’t need anything fancy, usefulness and comfort are what matters for me.

  6. Impulse buys. I’m having trouble storing all my clothes from my impulses but I still buy if I see something I like

  7. Maybe once a year, I’ll see what needs replacing and then only replace it if I can find it at a decent price.

  8. I buy them frequently, maybe once a month I’ll buy a new shirt or something, but I like trying new clothing items.

    I would say target is a pretty good place to start with if you haven’t bought anything in a while. Their clothes are inexpensive and the quality is fine. if you have a particular style you’re interested in then people can give better suggestions

  9. Every Christmas when I was single lol
    But then when I got married 3-6 mos now

    I still have clothes from college for senti value

    Go shop at Costco if u want more affordable and comfy clothes

    if u want more slim fit updated hipster but more expensive then Lululemon, banana Republic, Macy’s, H&M

  10. I cycle through plain t-shirts pretty quick because I put holes in them, and then they become shop rags. I generally have one set of nice clothes to wear out on dates. Everything else is fair game to get tore up.

  11. I buy new jeans when I wanna treat myself. Never actually worn a pair out to the point of needing replacing. I’ve had some for 10 years. Buy shirts maybe a few times a year but I’ll buy underwear and socks every couple of months because I love myself and I deserve that new sock feel every day.

  12. I try to buy (and then subsequently donate / get rid of) something about once a month or so. I’ve found my style changes (subtly) at about that rate. This way I always have things that ‘represent’ my self-expression, and also prevents the need for a BIG closet purge (and expensive re-buy).

  13. I’m a t-shirt and jeans guy.

    Most of my shirts are for work so I get them as cheap as possible because they inevitably end up destroyed.

    My hang-out shirts, I’m a little more picky. I like to get shirts from trips I’ve taken or snarky/nerdy shirts.

  14. I’m in the same position as you and have started to get new things. I’m also sick of wearing tired looking clothing that is a little faded or that I just don’t like anymore. I’m tired of wearing the same 5-10 shirts in a rotation and want my clothes to better reflect my current standing in life. I’m an adult and a professional, no longer a college kid, and I want my clothing to reflect that.

    As far as the financial aspect, I’ve started putting money into sinking funds–savings accounts I’ve setup with my bank for different things. I have one for auto maintenance, one for gifts, and one for purchases on myself. For the time being, I’ve been making at least *a* clothing purchase each month, whether it’s a new sweater (I’ve gotten really into actual wool sweaters, which are *way* warmer), 3-4 button up shirts, a pair of jeans, a new jacket, etc. For now I’m focusing on new work-appropriate clothes but my workplace is fairly casual, so there’s a bit of overlap between work and personal. My preferred store is Kohls–lots of coupons and discounts, and the selection is good.

    As far as fashion advice, I put my friends on standby that I’m going to send them photos from a dressing room and that I want their opinions. That way they know I’m messaging and it won’t take 25 minutes to get a response.

    If you’re unsure what to buy, you might consider Stitch Fix or a similar service. I tried that for a few months and it was just too expensive at the time. They have stylists who choose things for you. It’s all returnable if you don’t like it and you can change stylists with each order or stick with one if you like them. Each order comes with a card that shows potential combinations for each garment. Unfortunately, the clothing isn’t the highest quality.

  15. Like 2-4 times a year and its only a few pieces of clothes each time. With shoes I rarely buy, last time I bought shoes was almost two years ago.

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