EDIT: We have never discussed sexual health so it never seemed like the right time. I wrote a disclosure piece that i plan on memorizing if anyone would like to read it!

Long Story Short: Idk when to disclose and it’s been two weeks. We have kissed already and we have serious feelings. We also have the same friend circle. Do I disclose to him after plans with our friends or before?

Long Story:
I’ve known this guy for three years however we did not start becoming close until three weeks ago. Two weeks ago we ended up kissing.

I intended on disclosing before we kissed however we got drunk and it just…happened. I should have told him sober after but I just thought it was a mistake and it wouldn’t happen again.

WRONG. We’ve both had the biggest crush on one another for the entire three years.. He sounds very serious about us becoming something because he’s introduced me to his sisters and invited me to his family Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve parties.

We’ve continued to kiss and things have gotten heated (grinding and feeling one another up, no chance for exposure to HSV-2).

I plan on telling him this Friday when I’m supposed to spend the night and see him again, however we have an event to carpool to the next morning, plans with all our mutual friends that Saturday, and hanging out with his sisters on Sunday.

Should I wait until Monday to disclose after all our plans? Or disclose before the plans? I’m thinking before because he deserves to know as soon as possible.

What would you do? This is my first disclosure to someone I have serious feelings for!

  1. The sooner the better. To lots of guys, it’s not a big deal. I would approach it as such too. Don’t be embarrassed, don’t blow it off as nothing either, but tell him it’s important for him to know upfront. He might have some questions (how contagious, what are the symptoms, etc), which if you can provide answers would be even better.

  2. Definitely tell him sooner than later. Be sure to have some papers or articles on being with someone who is hsv2 positive. He’ll probably have some questions and having lots info available will help. Discuss how often you get breakouts. PReP does some help with hsv2.

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