How do you break up a 2 year relationship?

Hello everybody. I (20F) have been with my boyfriend (21M) for a little over 2 years. We met at our previous fast food job that we have both eventually quit. I had a crush on him for a year before I moved in with him when my dad kicked me out. We were still just friends at the time but after living together and me helping with some of his mental issues, a couple flings, and spending a lot of time together he told me he was in love with me and asked me out.

For me, it was like a dream come true. However, this relationship has had more downs than ups. We had a very active sex life in the beginning. As of right now, it has been almost a year since we have had sex (HALF of our relationship). He said it was due to his own insecurities and I genuinely had no problem with it. About a week or two ago, we both had a couple drinks and were in the mood. We started to make out and he was obviously aroused. We both got undressed and he kind of just stared at me for a minute which made me extremely self conscious. I am not a thin woman, I have lots of stretch marks but he has never complained. I asked him what he was doing and he just said “I haven’t seen you naked in a while.” Everything was fine but when it came time for intercourse to actually happen he couldn’t do any type of penetration because he had immediately become soft. Using context clues, the only reasoning I can find is that he saw me naked and immediately became turned off because he was very aroused until my clothes came off.

For some more backstory, we do not sleep in the same bed. He says the couch doesn’t hurt his back like the bed does, but I feel he just doesn’t want to sleep with me. We do not kiss, hold hands, or even hug very often. The most intimacy I get is a kiss on the forehead.

I just genuinely feel like I’m not loved and that this relationship is going nowhere. My family really likes him but my friends do not. They say he has been toxic from the moment we became friends at our old job.

I guess my question is: should I break up with him?

I find it hard for the following reasons:

-I would be throwing 2 years away.
-We live together. (I don’t know if I can afford to live alone)
-We have 2 cats and a dog that we adopted together.
-I am a broke full time college student with a job that only promises 24hours a week (under a contract so I cannot quit)
-He is mentally ill and has threatened to kill himself
-I literally watched his mother die in the hospital with him 2 months ago and he found out his dad died a week later
-I love him to death

Any advice helps, and any questions about our situation I am happy to answer.

TL;DR: I don’t know how to break up with my bf of 2 years as a broke college student as we live together and have 3 animals.

  1. Break up with him, don’t ever be with someone who doesn’t appreciate your body or at least puts effort into liking/loving it

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