Hii. You must have known some people who just act so busy like they can’t even spend their one minute of life to text back . I am the one who text them but they reply soo late like they have a lot of work to do .. or simply not interested but when i meet them in person they act opposite why?
Why do they behave like that ?? Should i continue to message them and wait for their reply or stop talking to them and wait for them to text me first like atleast show you are interested to talk with me:(

  1. They don’t prioritize the relationship. No one’s too busy to get back to a friend by the end of the same day, or no later than the next.

  2. I have some friends like this, they just want lots of alone time while still enjoying their in-person time with you. It’s very confusing, feels very hot-and-cold, and you don’t have to put up with it, but if you do, eventually you’ll adjust.

  3. I used to feel the same way, OP. I was so passionate about reaching out to others when I was younger, it was impossible to imagine NOT wanting to text others.

    So I assumed they were texting others but not me.

    Not true at all.

    Some people just don’t text back and forth for some reason or the other. I’m now one of those people.

    I go months without responding sometimes. But I still love these people very much and appreciate it greatly when they do reach out.

  4. Not everyone likes to text back straight away – some will think about what they write.

    Others may… be actually busy and not have the ‘bandwidth’ to have a conversation.

    Others will have three other people who they’ve been meaning to reply to before you and feel they should do that first.

    Or maybe they want something more than ‘hi how are you’, which is pretty low effort.

  5. “Busy” doesn’t have to mean “I have constant tasks from morning till nightfall and cannot pick up my phone even once, not even to quickly respond, ‘hey’. I take no bathroom breaks and sleep at my desk.”

    No. People are *mentally* busy, too, and we’re *all* fatigued and burned out. Some people get charged up and refreshed by social communication. Others do so by turning their attention away from their phones, but if you were there in person you’d have their attention.

    You honestly sound like you don’t have room for having compassion on other ways people function and struggle, which is probably a big turn off in your social groups. Especially since you commented that you bring it up every time you talk to them. I’d be exhausted by that and honesty probably just stop talking to someone like that altogether if I’m going to take mental bandwidth out of my already thin allotment to talk to someone I want to care about just to put up with an argument when I do. I’d be done.

  6. If you start your text with “hi, how are you” every single time they are probably bored of it and have nothing to say.

  7. Mental fatigue is a real thing. This time of the year I have only so many decisions I can make in a day or so many fucks to give. It drains my very being to respond to everything I get.

  8. For me, it’s because I don’t feel like I have the energy to give a quality response that I feel like the person I’m communicating with deserves, so I don’t text back right away. I can get stuck in this for days, especially during the work week.

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