What was it about a person that initially you did not find physically attractive, but some thing or some things about them made you attracted to them enough to date or even get serious with?

  1. Nothing like that ever happened to me.
    If I’m not attracted to you physically there is nothing you can do besides change that thing to make me attracted to you.

    If I like your personality a lot but not attracted to you, you sound like someone I’d want as a friend.

    If personality and good traits were enough to make me want to date someone I’d already be dating my guy best friend

  2. She improved her appearance by losing weight, getting a better hairstyle and dressing better, I guess that goes against the spirit of the question, but actual improvement is what made me find her attractive

  3. Hmm no, I’ve always been instantly physically attracted and then the personality can wreck the attraction, not the other way around.

  4. She just had an amazing personality and we had a lot in common. Her looks grew on my. She was pretty in her own way

  5. He’s bald. I didn’t know at first because the first time we met he wore a cap. I got used to it though and now even find it attractive when he let’s it grow, kinda looks like Trevor from GTA 5 or Walton Goggins. Honestly, if you have an unattractive feature, the best thing to do about it is embrace it, since it makes you unique.

  6. Happened with the girl that is now my wife, we just had chemistry and still have many decades later

  7. As I got to know her I came to appreciate her feminine characteristics more and more. She may have been 80lbs with no womanly physical appearance. But after sometime I came to love seeing her in my life.

    She helped me end a fat fetish I developed.

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