My wife has been fine with the way I do things for nearly 5 years now. She was ok with how I loaded the dishwasher, how I wiped down the tables, how I did laundry, How I did anything. That’s all changed. Now I get my ass crawled on a daily basis for not doing things the way she wants them done. Even the tasks she does herself takes HOURS now. She vacuums the floor daily, spends 1.5 hours washing dishes. Goes behind everything I do now and criticizes how I did it. I’m gone from about 5am to 5:30 pm each day. She complains that we don’t “talk” enough or spend quality time together… well no shit. We eat dinner at 6 and then clean like nazis til 10:30pm. Wtf. Anyone else go through this?

1 comment
  1. Did something happen recently? Health problem, recent loss, lifestyle change? How old is she? Something is up and I’d be concerned about my partner’s mental health if something like this suddenly started.

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