I miss you. I miss laughing with you. I miss kissing you. I miss the times I’d finish off with work and you’ll be there eager to call. We’d talk about stuff, vulnerable stuff. We’d talk about the most random things. I will admit I cant seem to get you off my mind still.

I can say I’ve moved on but it still feels like I can’t accept what happened and how things happened. Why were we suddenly over? You said we had something. Why didn’t you give it a chance? Why was it so easy for you to give it all up?

Remember how we would send songs to each other? Remember how we stared into each other’s eyes?
Remember how happy we were?

How can you let go of something so good? I can’t seem to. I’m not counting on it, but at the depths of my heart, I’m still hoping for a chance to continue what we started.

You’re probably not ready for that though. But will you ever be? Maybe one day. Maybe someday.

You said it was the first time you ever felt something like that. Why did you let me go? You said “I hope we make it.” But you ran away, leaving me here yearning for you in agony.

I crave your soul, your mind, and your smile.

Please come back. I want you to come back.

I want to be the reason you smile. I want to be your inspiration in life. I want a life with you. I want those moments with you back.

*Filed under: things I’ll never say but feel.

  1. Going through the exact same thing just now and Jesus it hurts! Hope you’re OK OP. ❤️

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