Hello all! I am new to Reddit and not sure if this is the correct sub to post but if not please let me know. I am going to make this short and simple. I have been divorced from my second ex husband for ten years. He always text and call me trying to get me to sleep with him and we have not had sex in over ten years. He also asks me for boob pics and access to my cameras to watch me walk around naked. It’s weird he asks for these things when we have not had sex with each other for over a decade. I don’t even talk to him about sex and I do not flirt with him at all. Yet, he still tries to get something from me. On top of all of this, he has a gf! He will literally call me before his gf comes over to his house.

Any idea why he may still be trying after all of these years and he has a gf?

  1. Girl… it’s been 10 years, it maybe sounds like you like the fact that he still wants you, which is OK. We as humans want to be wanted, but I think it’s time to block him and move on. He’s an ex for a reason and he also sounds disgusting.

  2. Girl, block that man and move on with your life. He’s clearly not respecting boundaries and is being a total creep. It’s not your responsibility to figure out why he’s acting this way, but it is your responsibility to protect yourself from his inappropriate behavior. Don’t engage with him and definitely don’t send him any pics. Let him deal with his own issues and focus on finding someone who actually respects you. You deserve better than this nonsense.

  3. Too funny … Usingvyou to boost his ego or he’s seen that the grass is not greener on the others, especially as Father Time kicks into his male body. With him having a GF, just step away and block him so you can stay on your high ground. If he did the same thing to you, it’s your call if you make sure his GF is aware of the potential infidelity.

  4. I don’t know what kind of game he thinks he’s playing, but if I were you I wouldn’t spend another minute wondering about it. Block him and move on.

  5. Get a lawyer to send him a cease and desist. You can even send it yourself without a laywer, just check the rules where you live.

    By sending him that, you are leaving on record that you do not want to be contacted anymore and if he keeps going, you can file a complain for harassment, but hopefully won’t get to that.

  6. Well
    Obviously you like it or you would have blocked him . Or got lawyers involved for sexual harrasment charges . Since you haven’t done that then he feels you like the attention you haven’t mentioning if children together so maybe can’t block him but can’t get authorities involved

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