What reason would there be for a guy to ask a female friend if they could see their girlfriend at the bar through a mutual friend and not directly when they used to talk frequently?

  1. Used to talk frequently? About the girlfriend? Sorry I’m too stupid to understand this question.

  2. He thinks his girlfriend is cheating/lieing or Wants someone to check on her.

  3. Just delete this post and conclude that no man could explain your overthinking him looking out for his girlfriend.

  4. If not for the fact someone was at a bar I would have thought everyone involved was in high school. Truly some immaturity on OP’s friends.

  5. Maybe he doesn’t want you see that his jealous and his relationship is a little worse for it? Or maybe it was just more convinent to ask your common friend? Or maybe he doesn’t want a chat with you to be recorded as his gf might get jealous? Who knows; you will never know the answer so why care??

  6. I read this four times and still got lost. Use some names, the pronouns are totally inadequate for this sentence. There are four people in this sentence; Guy, Female friend, Girlfriend, Mutual friend. There are no contextual clues as to who “they”, “their,” and “they” are referring to.

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