I’m concerned about how I’m doing something for the first time that he’s already done. Also should we buy a new home together if we do get married?

  1. How long have you been dating? Why are you thinking about buying a home together if it’s still consider dating and not a committed relationship?

    Have you been in a long-term relationship before?

  2. It’s a literally true statement that you’re doing something he’s done before. Could you explain how you expect that to cause problems?

  3. Why is this a concern? If you’re still dating, why are you considering buying and home and marriage? Get a prenup to protect your assets and future earnings if he is paying a significant amount to his ex.

  4. In any relationship you’re doing something the other person hasn’t done. Big whoop.

    I had owned two houses when I married my husband. He happily moved into the house I was currently in. He had NO problem with that

    He showed me Kentucky.

    I took him to France, he’s taking me to Germany.

    It’s the adventures you have together that matter

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