As the OP it would be rude not to go first. I will be setting my alarm just before 6am tomorrow to get in line with thousands of others no doubt for the release of the Tesco home delivery Christmas slots.

Anyone else?

Edit – Redditors have pointed out and quite rightly that the word saddest has two meanings in the question and can be interpreted two ways.

As a Londoner I did mean in a tongue in cheek look how sad I am laughing at yourself kind of way.

However after reading some of the more serious answers I do hope we can look after one another as life in general is a bit horrible.

  1. I stay in bed for whole days, because it means I consume less energy. I barely feel hungry, compared to a whole day of moving about.

    I can only afford to eat every 3rd day, so this is about the only way to do it.

    Edit: realised admitting to this spiralled into something more depressing than I expected, so im gonna try and delete what I said below to not be too identifying/fucking sad. Thank you to the people who have offered help, but I’m in a hell of my own making. If you want to help anywhere, please donate to your local food bank or homeless shelter. It’s getting colder out and about, and they need it more.

  2. I’ve just had to give up my car cause I had to quit work to care for my wife

    I’ve had to replace my weekly drives with weekly walks however there is absolutely nothing around here so usually it’s walks to see absolutely pointless things

    Walked 30 minutes to see a natural peat bog the other day haha

    I feel like father Ted and dougal when they go on their holidays

    Might go just boil the kettle for fun

  3. I think you mean sad as in cringe not sad as in crying but the replies seem sad as in crying.

    Anyway, saddest thing I’ll do this year is get excited at the delivery of my new wheelie bin.

  4. Just buying scented candles and lighting them all. The house will smell a multitude of things.

  5. I’m 24 and get excited to spend my weekends at the gym, and cleaning my room and getting everything sorted for the week ahead

  6. Got so excited about the upgrade to our old air fryer arriving that we planned our whole Friday night around it. What joint of meat we could try. What frozen goods would be best.

    Ngl it’s been a month and I’m still just as thrilled.

  7. I can’t sleep without my partner so I have temporarily moved into his room under the guise of being cold. We’re currently living with his parents and saving for our own place, they don’t have spare rooms with double beds so we were in separate rooms. So I am now sleeping on the floor (on an airbed) just to get a better night’s sleep because he’s near me

  8. i moved to the uk on my own so have been a bit of a nigel no mates at times during the past six months as i rebuild my social circle.

    yesterday i had nothing to do so i walked for 45 minutes to a different part of london, bought a lucozade from a corner shop, and then walked home again. and i genuinely had a nice time doing it.

  9. Going on a roadtrip when my parents are out of town because they won’t let me.

  10. This might be the saddest answer yet.

    Last weekend I enjoyed a work social event. I think the next one will actually be good. I am planning what food to bring, and actually put effort in.

  11. I’ve only seen my mates once this year in person. Since COVID I haven’t ever regained the drive to go out with mates. It’s pretty bad I think but not because of any reason other than if you say no too many times your mates won’t ask anymore and then you slowly become strangers. I should make an effort but I cba.

  12. I keep getting my Christmas deliveries that I’ve bought for friends and family and I’m excited to see them so I can imagine them being excited about it. The wrapping of presents not so much.

  13. I’m a 25 year old man and I think I’ve spent atleast 10 Saturday nights this year having a bath and watching dirty dancing

  14. My sad cringe moment today was that I just had my under stairs cupboard converted into drawers today and I am ridiculously excited to organize my hallway stuff into it. I get a drawer, husband gets a drawer, kids get a drawer, everyone gets a drawer!

  15. I think I can easily win this one… I spent this week mostly in London on holiday and visited every single station in Zone 1, which I think is over 50? I didn’t count them, but I had a list on my phone that I was crossing off as I went.

    And my rule was that changing line or train within the station didn’t count – I had to exit or enter the station. Somebody at TfL is looking at my card history and thinking ‘wtf is this person doing?’.

  16. I’ll probably lie and tell my parents I’m busy on NYE so they don’t feel sorry for me. But really I’ll stay indoors with my puppy and cats.

  17. About 6months ago I parked up on a bridge to kill myself. Things are kicking my arse and I just can’t see things getting better. I was so done I stopped driving half way through work and decided to finally find some peace.

    Sitting in my van, trying to write something to make sense of it all, I remembered a promise I’d made to my 7yr old. She said she gets worried when I’m working nights incase something happens to me driving, so I promised that I will always come home.
    I couldn’t break that promise, so I got my shit together and finished my shift and went home.

    Thank you, everyone, for the support. It’s oddly comforting to know that even strangers on the internet are fighting my corner. Peace and love to you all.*

    *Also, I now realise this isn’t the kind of ‘sad’ that OP was after. So, in the good natured spirit of the Post … I’m playing through Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim, to try to get the last couple of Playstation Trophies to get The Platinum. Only 9 to go!*

  18. I’m going to buy a 3.5 of coke and get off my tree by myself and be sad thinking about my best friend that died on the anniversary of his death

  19. I’m a 30yr old woman and I’m already planning to decline any invitations to NYE parties, and instead spend the night having an early takeaway tea, binge Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and fall asleep before midnight. Then a New Year’s Day stomp around the nature reserve and have a look out for some cool birds. I’m a 67yr old bloke at heart

  20. I have not left my bedroom for almost the entire year and I don’t intend to do anything about it. I haven’t found the nerve for a more permanent solution, and every cry for help I’ve made has either got me a message from reddit I’ve ignored or a bunch of people calling me a sad cunt and finding it funny

  21. The disparity between the two types of ‘sad’ is huge in this thread.

    In the Alan Partridge vein of being saa-aa-aaad I bought an iron holder for £1 cheaper than they usually sell because I waited six months for it to come back to the middle aisle of Lidl. Everywhere else sells them for 9 quid and I got mine for 8. I regretted not buying it when I saw it the first time around, but refused to pay an extra pound to buy it elsewhere.

    We needed it because the iron is always out cooling. If it ever does get put away it goes in the wardrobe in my daughter’s room which means we can’t use it if she falls asleep before we realise we need it. I suffered six extra months of that minor inconvenience for a quid and now I’ve mounted it on the wall in a cupboard and I’m very happy.

    On the sad depressing front, two people I like a lot have had medical issues this weekend. I’m worried about them, but other people are closer to them than I am so it’s my job to look after those people.

  22. I’ve just celebrated 2 years in the UK recently. Since i’ve moved here i’ve experienced 3 big heartbreaks. I’m a romantic, but i’ve lost the enthusiam to continue meeting people.

    I’ve recently distanced myself from my main group of friends due to developing feelings for one of them that i wasn’t supposed to develop. I broke my rules and dated a co-worker who broke up with me 2 months ago. My ex from a hobby i really love has come back into my life quite recently too.

    I’m feel like i’m doing fairly well in life, but feel really behind on my love life. I feel unlovable somedays. Everyone around me is happily in a relationship, getting engaged, or getting married.

    I’m struggling to see my friends have fun without me.

    On the other hand, this year i’ve celebrated a promotion, travelled a lot, buying my first home, and will be flying a plane soon (life long dream). Tbh, i almost feel guilty feeling bad when everything else is going so well.

  23. I don’t think anyone will see this but it’s been haunting me and I think I need to tell someone and get it out, so here goes. The saddest, and most disgusting, thing I’ve done all year:

    I was having a bad day around Easter. I opened a packet of Mini Eggs. I LOVE Mini Eggs, wait all year for them. The packet opened badly and one of them dropped on the floor. My dog picked it up in her mouth but dropped it again before she could eat it…

    I ate it.

  24. After studying and taking six professional qualification exams this year, genuinely felt emotional being able to read a book without wanting to throw it out the window.

  25. I can fulfil both of these definitions in one here!

    I am currently on a 539 day learning streak on the app Duolingo having learned Italian purely because I wanted to impress a girl I met who said she’d been to Italy.

    Now for the other definition: she cheated on me and we broke up in August.

  26. Sad as in cringe: We got a new air fryer and it’s been the highlight of my week. I’ve really been enjoying trying all the new settings on it.

    Sad as in emotional: My mum died earlier this year and I’ve been listening to one of those “Record Your Greeting” cards she got me for my birthday. It’s the only recent voice recording of her I’ve got and so I recorded it onto my phone for when the battery in the card eventually goes. It’s only a 10 second message but I listen to her telling me that she loves me all the time.

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