I 28F have been in an open relationship with 31M for 10 years. Recently, my partner had sex with 2 girls off tinder that wer just one night stands and I got a bit itchy down there so we booked in appointments at the gp. The gp my partner had turned out to be the same one I had a few days later, he was young like our age and really easy to get along with. He was made aware of our open relationship and done testing to make sure we wer all clean to get back to it. Unfortunately I forgot to shave for the day so I was a little embarrassed when I spread my legs for him to take a swab haha. He pleaded for us to get more regular testing aswel.

The next doctors visit followed a few days later, he seemed pretty happy to see me but what I needed to do couldn’t be done so he instead started doing mental health questions as I mentioned one of my kids are special needs and parents in this situation usually struggle. During the questions he did seem a bit flirty and making me blush alot. We discussed video games and smoking weed, lotsa chill stuff. The questions about my open relationship came up a fair bit even when it was off topic, he seemed pretty interested in the whole thing. The appointment lasted like 45 minutes and he didn’t charge me for it.

Since then I have been having fantasies about having sex with him and I have another appointment in a few days. Should I turn on the flirting and see what happens? I’m not sure if I can act normal in the next appointment because I will be too wet to think haha. Maybe he was just being nice and I’m going to make a fool of myself. Will be finding out soon anyways.

  1. It would be unprofessional, immoral, and in many places illegal for him to reciprocate your advances in the office. Do *not* put him in that position. You’re not doing him or yourself any favors.

    If you’re interested in pursuing him, then you need to first switch providers (you can ask him for a referral) and then contact him to ask if he’d be interested in a date or “further details about how my open relationship works”.

  2. Id be sketched out by a doctor willing to cross lines. Speaks to scarier shit. May be a dangerous person. He’s putting himself in a horrible situation.

    If I had independent verification that his one weakness is women and hes otherwise solid Id say its on him whether he wants to take the risk and do with him as you will. If not, steer clear.

  3. You had me until the part where you didn’t get charged for the appointment. Yeah right.

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