I’m 26 female and never been outside of Canada and I’m wondering if this is sad or pathetic… everyone I know has travelled at least once or twice in their life and I’m really jealous because I’ve never had enough money to go or have someone to go with .. makes me feel like a loser. Is it bad to start travelling later in life?

  1. I can’t tell you how to feel, but you are not pathetic, a loser, and whatever else is out there. Traveling is expensive and is a privilege and is something you can certainly do at any age you are able to begin.

    So this is social skills sub- read, read, watch documentaries or Anthony Bourdain. YOU too can share input or express curiosity with others and participate!

    I truly hope you get to go anywhere you’d like to go some day!

  2. No it’s not bad. You will appreciate culture more when you are older. Different foods, different ways of living, etc. You will have a great time, just save up the money and go for it!

  3. Do not be ashamed by the fact that you’ve never been traveling outside of your home country. Traveling is very expensive, and planning is very time-consuming.

    In my opinion, traveling is about broadening your horizons and gaining new experiences. Traveling should never be about keeping up with the jones’s.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with traveling overseas by yourself. I am an introverted guy, and during my solo vacations. I always uninvertently mate great and interesting people along the way.

    Also, discussing your travel plans or cheering travel photos. Can be a great way to connect with others and a way to start conversations.

  4. I havent travled at 34 from US. i really want to and have a great dream but everything gets in the way. Good luck chasing your dreams. I hope that they come true.

  5. That’s not really later in life. I’m around your age and I’ve only been outside the US to go to my parents home country. I haven’t traveled because so far I haven’t had time and I’ve financially prioritized other hobbies or expenses in my life.

  6. Before this past spring I was the only one of my friends to ever be on a plane or travel anywhere besides a state over. Always blew my mind but I guess thas a example of where I had privilege over others and didn’t know it.

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