My sisters boyfriend introduced me to his son who I was buying some green from. He was really handsome and before he left I got his number to buy more later.

It was late so I asked if he would still be out, but he asked if I could pull up to his house since he was about to go home.

Later that night I went over & he asked if I wanted to stay and smoke for a bit. I agreed and so we went and got in his huge truck which he opened the door for me and helped me in.

We talked a bit & bought some papers then went back to his place to smoke. He mentioned if I wasn’t in a relationship we could hang out more.

I was standing awkwardly and he told me I could be comfortable, no other women lived there & joked about me sitting on the furthest side of the couch. (Which I pointed out he did since I sat first lol). I really liked that he asked my opinion on everything, gave me space, and wasn’t pushy.

He lit a candle as I rolled and asked what I like to watch, which we both agreed on horror. He hit the lights and we smoked twice and talked more during a movie. I found out he’s 31 (I’m 25F) & a CDL driver.

On my way out he told me something like hit me up again or don’t be a stranger (don’t remember) then I left.

A few days later he texted me that I left my grinder at his place. I was planning on getting it the weekend since I had family in town so I told him I’d let him know. But my sister ended up throwing a game night and intentionally invited him lol.

It was fun and I got pretty wasted (I usually don’t drink at all and instead smoke, but this was the first time I’d hung with both my siblings together in over a decade so we all got drunk and smoked and ate and played board games).

He would smile at me and I’d catch his eye sometime I think but I was pretty out of it so idk. He sat by me every time and I fucking threw up once outside and he helped my brother clean it with a hose and whispered really sweet encouraging words as I apologized.

I can’t remember exactly but he kept reassuring me it was okay and said he”just wanted to make sure I was going to be alright and get home safely, can you promise me that (some sweet name that gave me butterflies)?”

He tried walking me to the bathroom with his arms around my waist because I said I really wanted to brush my teeth, but my brother interfered halfway there and helped the rest of the way.

I was basically sober after that but he kept checking on me which I thought was also sweet.

During the board games we would say we were a team and joke about sharing cards in front of everyone. I’d rub his knee when it was his turn to play.

Idk I could be inflating this. But I felt I looked good today and wanted to see him lol so I asked to meet for my grinder & to buy some smoke.

My brother rode along. My goal was to get a few minutes alone so he could mention hanging out again, but we took too long and ended up meeting at a car wash where we didn’t have a second alone and he seemed to be in a bit of a rush. We didn’t hug when we saw each other which I was kind of bummed out about.

My brother mentioned how handsome he is that he must have a line of hoes, but I really just want to have fun with this man & am not looking for a relationship or commitment. I don’t really want to just hop into sex either..

Does it seem like he likes me? I’ve only been in 1 super long relationship so I’m also really awkward & inexperienced lol.

His age and looks tell me he is not.

I feel a bit silly and am not sure if I should just drop it. I feel kind of naiive since he has a career and 2 kids, while I’m still a student (worked a bit & did therapy then went back to school) with no kids and only been with 1 partner 🫤

I was going to text him tomorrow and ask if he wanted me to come get the grinder or meet him someplace, but idk if that would be too much 🤷🏽‍♀️

TLDR: I (25F) met my sister’s boyfriend’s son (31M). We’ve had some good interactions. I’m not sure if he’s interested in me, and I’m debating whether to pursue this or fall back since I feel a bit silly

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