What’s cheaper: keeping a short haircut and going to the barber every 2 weeks, or letting your hair grow and buy expensive hair products?

  1. Why would letting it grow necessitate expensive hair products? Short hair, long hair, same product?

  2. Just do it yourself if money is an issue. Especially if your significant other lives with you and can help touch up the hard to reach spots. But even if you live alone, you’ll find that it’s not that hard as long as you’re not doing anything complicated.

  3. I go to a barber 1/2 times a year and change my hairstyle from shortish through to ponytail. Don’t use many products at all. Not the intention, but it’s also very cheap xD

  4. I grow mine out for a month or two and then get a short cut. For mens cuts, it’s the same price if you’re getting a mm cut off as if you’re getting a couple CM cut off

  5. I spend roughly $80 between my beard trimmer and foil razor that also double as scalp trimmers. First pass with the wider beard one, second with the foil one once it’s a more manageable length.

    Takes 20 mins every two weeks, less if I do the foil every couple days for a few mins, and it was a one time purchase years ago. You do the math for the avg cost of them.

  6. Huh. I have long hair and between shampoo, products, and equipment, I’ve spent maybe $100 over the last two years. Probably less if you exclude the hair dryer, brush, and hair ties I had already owned.

    I put my hair up with a chopstick currently.

  7. You don’t need expensive hair products to have healthy long hair. Certain types of oils restore the natural oil your hair needs but is washed away during a shower. If you wash your hair with coconut oil for instance instead of shampoo and conditioner your hair will be just as healthy. It just won’t have that shampoo smell

  8. Have a mom who used to be a stylist. I’m 47 and I’ve never paid for a haircut in my life.

  9. Female here: there’s a huge difference between the “I used to have short hair and haven’t cut it in 6 months” look and a properly done mid-length haircut on women and men.

    In general it’s better if your longer hair looks intentional. I think long hair looks great on guys, but there will be a lot of in-between time from your hair being short to your hair being long.

    Ya feel?

  10. Letting it grow and then using regular shampoo and conditioner.
    Cheaper yet if you have a wife/GF use their products, good hair that will smell great as well!

  11. i spent $50 on 1000 blades like 10 years ago. i shave my head twice a week and change the blade monthly. i think i found the cheapest option tbh. my razor was $80 one time but thats it

  12. Short hair because you’re not factoring in calls to the plumber because you’re too lazy to unclog the bath drain your self.

  13. Let your hair grow and use hair polisher with aloe in it. It will grow faster, will be easier to be kept and women love people with long hair. Trust me I love when women use braid my hair. I always cut my hair after 2-3 years. The longest hair I had was up to my ass lol and my braids dude!

  14. I mean I pay $40 every 2 weeks to get my hair cut. I miss the days I got it cut outside of Quantico for $20 total out the door.

  15. Short hair all day long. I love the fact that it takes me less than a minute to take care of it (washing, drying, and “brushing”). Often, just running my fingers through it is enough to manage my “daily” look. I get a haircut every three weeks.

  16. I let my hair grow and use cheap hair products because my hair is wonderful enough it doesn’t need expensive crap.

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