I just discovered DC comics Manchester Black, and he has the exact same voice as me. Accent & speech patterns. He’s me.

He also has the best quotes

**”Aspiring do-gooder and all-round pain in the arse, at your service.”**

**You’re buggered, mate. Send my regards to Satan.”**

  1. I don’t know comics to well, is there a character that has a combination of red hair and male pattern baldness? That doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up.

  2. Not a comic book character because I don’t know any that look like me in the face but I’ve been told a few times that I look like WWE Wrestler Randy Orton (Without the physique). I take it as a massive compliment.

    I once got told in high school by a friend that I look like Sid from Toy Story 1.. that kinda irked me back then. Lol

    Voice and personality.. I have no idea. My voice is quite deep though

  3. I always liked Ghost Rider growing up, I think it was all the vengeance. I’m not gonna go out cracking skulls, but when you’ve been through some shit, the idea of the people who did it getting screamed at by a flaming skull until their soul gets sent to hell is cathartic.

  4. Rocket Raccoon. Looks, not so much, but everything else is on point. Looks-wise, I’m like halfway between jacked Thor and fat Thor.

  5. Teenage me def would have been static shock except for the voice. phil lamar is the goat, but the accent was a bit too cartoony/puberty/hiphop.

  6. Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Particularly Andrew Garfield. Just haven’t found my Gwen/MJ in life yet.

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