Do you give people second chances after something annoying they did?

  1. If they say what they did that annoyed them, and you don’t do it anymore, and you’re somewhat friends I think they’d give you second chances. If you continue to irritate them they wouldn’t

  2. I think context is important, if it’s something minor I get over it fairly quick, if it was incessant annoying behaviour I’d probably start to avoid them.

  3. If you constantly irritate or do it on purpose – yes.

    If you irritate from time to time and put effort into being less irritating – then i’ll probably give you a chance.

  4. If friends or a familiar person didnt irritate me on purpose, i discuss situation with them and move on like nothing happend.
    If stranger did that i would deffenetly avoid him. No point in reasoning with a drunk person in a bus fex.

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