Gents, what are you doing on your days off from work?
Personally, I like to head to the gym in the morning like any work day, but when I come home I take the finest nap imaginable instead of heading to work.

Edit: just woke up from that nap (more of a power nap, oh well). Glad to see some great sounding days off. I’m going to take the bike out then get home and do some fish tank mainteance. Make it a great day ma dudes.

  1. Mornings: housework and chores

    Afternoons: exercise and errands

    Evenings: hangout with friends or family if I’m feeling social. Veg out in front of a video game or go out somewhere by myself if I’m not.

  2. Gym in the morning for an hour.

    Gardening till I’m done so maybe 4 hours.

    Dog park with the bros. Each of us takes two of the pit-bulls (lovable balls of laziness) to walk and play with. We have a total of 8 useless guard dogs, unless you count tripping over one as guarding.

    After that it should be around noon. If it’s summer, I use the season pass for a water park(schlitterbahn) next door to laze around in the water or just enjoying the sun.

    After a few hours of that, I may go home and play games while grilling.

  3. Gym in the morning, then home to just chill. I’ll sometimes go out for a day trip but it’s only when I can afford it and when the weather’s nice.

  4. I have a fairly consistent “routine” on weekends I don’t have plans

    Saturday mornings, if the weathers decent, I’ll get up early take my fun car out of the garage and go carve up some secret backroads right when the sun comes up, head to the gym for a workout, play a round of golf with my fiancé, and then spend the rest of the afternoon with some of the boys, sip some bourbon, grill some sort of meat, and have a bonfire if weather permitting.

    Sundays, I spend most of the day with my fiancé and her and I will usually get into something, usually hiking when it’s warm and/or watching football this time of year, and just spend time together relaxing and maybe get some chores done together if we are feeling responsible.

    Have to make the most of the weekends, they go by fast!

  5. gaming/drawing/painting/sculpting/watching wrestling/calligraphy/writing/cook, but also cleaning when it gets dirty

  6. I’m assuming you’re talking about days where you’re not working for income. That’s when I do my other jobs: father, homeowner, husband, and son.

    Father: My kids are now college graduates but they still occasionally need help with things. Mostly financial advice these days but my oldest is about to move in with his girlfriend so there will be a few days of moving in the near future.

    Homeowner: Always chores to be done. Right now, leaves need to be cleared. Also going to remodel a bathroom this next week, get the house deep cleaned for Thanksgiving company, investigate a possible leak in another bathroom, install better vents for bathroom fans, and whatever other home repair and maintenance tasks I find. I also am the house chef so this is when I menu plan and grocery shop.

    Husband: Never ignore your partner. Try to plan something with them regularly.

    Son: My mom is 80+, mother-in-law is 95+. When the pandemic started, I started doing their grocery shopping so they could stay home. I’m still doing that. My dad passed before the pandemic so I also need to help my mom with basic household chores that aren’t worth hiring someone to take care of. Fortunately, mom can afford lawn service, cleaners, and service people to take care of a lot of it.

    If I finish all those jobs…. actually… never mind. Those jobs are never done… especially the husband one… 🙂

  7. Wake up at 7:30am to feed kid. Something with kid lunch. Put kid to nap. Whatever kid wants. Dinner. Play with kid some more. Sleep

  8. Date my wife. Gym. Sleep (I work nights). League of legends. Travel. Errands. Boba. Sleep. Watch JJK 🔥

  9. I need to have at least one highly productive day each weekend, and on longer stretches of days off I really can’t go more than 2 full days of “relaxing” before I start getting annoyed that I haven’t done anything.

    But as far as activities I do to relax: sailing, beach, hiking, or woodworking.

  10. Chores, small house projects or take my son somewhere cool for a walk. Usually always get a good early morning gym session in yoo

  11. I would sleep in until the late morning, go to the gym/ or do necessary shopping and then hang at home if there are no plans with friends. At home I’ll study or watch shows on my bed. When the evening comes, I’ll do cardio and finish out the rest with more shows.

  12. usually hang out with my girlfriend or drive down to see my friends in the city.

    in lieu of none of that happening i try to line up a game of warhammer at the local game store.

  13. I start my day with video games, followed by taking my dogs to the beach for a couple of hours, then head home for them to nap followed after by a 2-3 hour walk with them, then play in the yard for another hour then back to video games

  14. Feed my dog, go back to bed, she wakes me up again an hour later for her walk, go back to bed, wake up in the afternoon and repeat.

    I need my rest 🙂

  15. Every Saturday I’m up at 6, get to the car wash, grocery store, target, home for breakfast and start laundry, workout, go work in the yard for a couple of hours, shower, start dinner and make a cocktail.

    Sunday I’m lazy and do whatever I want.

  16. Sleep until close to noon. Prepare some stuff for dinner (slow cookers, defrost, etc) Grocery shopping. Drive for 1-2 hours with windows open and music blasting. Go home and start cooking or eating.

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