24M. I have zero friends from high school. Haven’t gone to college. Haven’t made any meaningful friendships in the past 6 years since I graduated from HS. Zero friends altogether, I have no social life. I don’t like bars or clubs. If I were to go I would just force myself to be there not actually want to be there or enjoy myself. I am shy and awkward person and those venues typically require a lot of socially extroverted behavior, and going by myself would make it very hard to come out of my shell there. I do work part time at a job right now but I don’t see anyone there that I would hangout with and socialize after work. All I do is work and come home every single day. I am at a complete loss on how to even make friends at this point.

  1. work out, read books you like, jog consistently, learn to play musical instrument, learn something new

  2. This is a very valid question and sometimes people deal with this as they get older. People get busy and there is just less time to develop relationships. Developing relationships take time and consistency. A few things that have worked for me are joining groups. Book clubs, jogging groups, workout groups, religious groups, volunteering. These types of setting have brought people together and usually welcome new people. Even if you don’t relate to them immediately, give it time and people will warm to you and get to know you and before you know it, you will be friends or acquaintances that you’ll feel comfortable inviting to coffee, a movie, dinner or to watch a game. There other piece of advice that I’ve learned is to stop being so picky with who you interact with. As long as they are good people, give them a chance. Maybe the farmer, skateboarder, retired person or quiet college kid has some interesting perspectives that you wouldn’t know about on the surface level. Give people a chance. And if they don’t become close friends, maybe you’ll meet someone they know and they become your friends. A lot of my friends are people that I probably wouldn’t have sought out but ended up being very loyal and trustworthy fun people to be around. Put yourself in setting where groups of people come together for a cause, give people a chance and give it time to develop.

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