Pigeon. I remember when my manager at the time said he’s having it at a restaurant. I just couldn’t understand how someone could eat a Pigeon. All I could think of is a poor dirty bird from trafalgar square being cooked. Also Eels, slimey!!

  1. Crocodile. Like, just look at them. What more evidence do you need that we didn’t evolve to eat them, they evolved to eat us if anything.

    My sister went to a poncy work-do when she worked at Oxford University and went to a restaurant that basically did any rare/exotic animal. Crocodile, ostrich, anything like that.

  2. Vegan cheese – it’s just wrong 😉

    Nah seriously though. My dad used to make head cheese – now that’s just wrong.

  3. Pigeon is just like any other bird, the squab you get in a restaurants is not eating fag ends like the ones inTrafalgar Square

    Even if it was, you think pigs are fussy eaters?

  4. Cockles…with a pin. You poke the pin into the shell and take out the slimy little creature and eat it.


  5. For the last 4.5yearrs I’ve had to endure my boss eat sardines straight from the tin for lunch every day. The look, texture and smell 🤢

  6. It’s usually woodpigeon, not feral pigeon… bit meatier (and been eating less rubbish)

  7. My dad used to be a painter and decorator and he told me he once was painting some kind of boarding house/hostel. One of the residents brought a pigeon in off the street and microwaved it

  8. Pigeon really isn’t any ‘dirtier’ than a chicken that lived its life kneedeep in its own shit.

    I’m surprised that people eat obviously synthetic foods like pink wafers or ‘fish sticks’.

  9. Tongue.

    Maybe it is just my point of view, but why anyone would cook the tongue of an animal and eat it baffles me.

  10. Lol Pigeon is not what you see crappinh on statues down town 😂😂 Pigeon is nice from memory

  11. Hard boiled eggs. How does anyone actually get close enough with that incredibly strong foul smell.

    I know most people dont get that.

  12. Blue cheese. I just don’t get it, it’s absurdly bitter and actively, violently, repugnant. I cannot imagine anything more unpleasant.

  13. Apart from cats and dogs, which I admit is just cultural, I find few things too surprising. Appealing is a different thing

  14. The eyeballs of anything, like fish eyeballs. I grew up in a rural Hungary, my family kept pigs, chicken, ducks, so I am open to eat most things. One of my favourite dishes contains pork brain and marrow, I also had rooster testicles before, and I don’t think it’s weird at all. But I can’t wrap my head around eating eyes.

  15. Wild mushrooms. I understand packaged, checked, safe mushrooms but I’d always freak out after my mom would buy a basket of wild mushrooms from a random person on the road and just cook with them. Yes, she was good with mushrooms and used to forage since she was a child but I still would risk it. She would throw away any that she’d find questionable though.

    In my home country tens of people die every year when they eat poisonous mushrooms by accident. Why risk it?

  16. Octopus. One of the most intelligent animals on the planet. Sentient too.
    Yet people spear them, drag them out of the water and chop em up.
    I don’t care how tasty it is, my conscience wouldn’t allow me to do that.

  17. The pigeons you eat are wood pigeon. Not the ones you get in high streets. They really good. Eaten them lots of times.

  18. Really only about 6bites on a pigeon. Barely worth it.
    I don’t understand why whitebait. Bones and skin.

  19. My grandfather ate a pigeon that the cat brought in once. His exact words were “I’ve fed him long enough, it’s about time he fed me”.
    He was an eccentric man

  20. Meat. I’ve been vegetarian and then vegan for so long, spending most of my time in an echo chamber of vegan friends that it seems to take me by surprise when I see people in real life eating animals.

  21. I frequent the local Polish shop (I’m not Polish, partner is) and they have whole chicken hearts in the Deli section. Thanks, but no thanks.

  22. When my dad’s family moved to England they were incredibly poor. Ie my dad got shoes for first time when he moved over and he was the eldest. My nan would buy a pig’s head each week and that would be the meat for the week.

  23. My uncle is a gamekeeper and we went to his for a Christmas celebration one year. I’m a fussy eater and asked what meat was in the curry. He said pigeon and I was about 14 at the time, thinking he was joking I asked my mum. Nah it was pigeon curry.

  24. Pigeon means wild woodpigeon, not the Trafalgar Square rats with wings. My nan told me that as a kid her family would have pigeon pie regularly, and only ate chicken once a year at Christmas. Now, if you want pigeon you’ll have to go to a high end gastropub, while fried chicken is on every high street… swings and roundabouts

  25. A lot of food doesn’t look appealing to me not sure if it surprises me. Things like grey Kebab meat and a lot of cheap takeaway food. Maybe it’s different when your drunk.

  26. I’ve had pigeon, I’ve had squirrel,
    I’ve had rabbit, I’ve had hare
    But the most delicious thing I’ve had
    Is long pig and sincerre

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