Im 5’6.5 and lifts help me get up to 5’8. I also do cold approaches, where i approach taller woman sometimes, should i only go for shorter ones?

  1. aren’t you honest about the shoe lifts? I’m not a taller woman, but I would be a little disappointed that you had to lie about your height

  2. In my opinion, whatever makes you most comfortable. I don’t understand all the stigma around heights and filtering based on height, but be ready to encounter some backlash.

    The question here is, are you doing it for yourself, or are you doing it because you feel like you need to do it to get a date/relationship/love?

  3. No different than makeup, but personally, I wouldn’t do it. Being yourself is better, and what if the worst happens. She really likes you, wouldn’t have cared that you were your height, but you lose her because she feels you lied.

  4. I am 5’ 6” and wear a nice pair of boots with 1/4 insoles that make me about 5’8” when I am out. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Gives me more confidence. I certainly don’t draw attention to it. I mean is it a secret that a boot with a heel would make someone at least an inch taller?

  5. If she wore a wonder bra, then when you had sex you realized she left the boobage in her bra would you mind? 😀

    I had a guy do this, I found it funny tbh but not really a dealbreaker. I think honesty is better though, I mean it’s just like lying about age, weight, boob size, ect. It’s low key catfishing.

  6. lol.


    Wrong .. What about make up, bras, heels, bleach or dyes?

    Anyways I wouldn’t want to have any in my shoes. And it seem pretty lame. Then again I’ve thought about taller shoe soles when I was younger and I have skated inlines and at-least been around / pass people on those and those of course make you taller too. Maybe that’s a better solution for summer use.

  7. I’m barely 5’2 myself and not really bothered by height unless I’m getting neck problems from looking up so much 😭 Do whatever is comfortable, I promise you it’s not as big of a deal for other people like it is for you. We’re all our own toughest critics.

  8. I wouldn’t say it’s “wrong” but I don’t think you need to, man. I’m 5’6”, so you’re slightly taller than I am, and that never held me back in dating. The thing that holds you back is the insecurity. And that’s going to turn women off, even if you manage to get them home wearing your lifts. Cause eventually they’ll know the truth, and the kind of insecurity that shorter men very often feel when dating a taller woman is a huge turn off.

    The majority of women who won’t date shorter dudes are more turned off by the insecurity than the actual height. My high school girlfriend was 5’10”, and it never bothered me that I had to stand up one step on the stoop to kiss her when I walked her home after a date. At prom, her heels made her like 6 inches taller than I am.

    I’m certain a few women have rejected me for my height over the years, but that’s really no different than being rejected for any other reason, like my clothes not being stylish or my jokes being shitty or my arms not being big enough. Rejection is rejection, and you just brush it off and move on to the next one.

    There are plenty of guys out there dating taller women, and I guarantee you that it’s due to their self-confidence and not feeling insecure about height.

    It can be hard to come to terms with, but I guarantee you that if you can get over that insecurity, your dating life will improve.

  9. What’s the point? She gonna be mad as hell when you take that shit off when you get comfortable together. She might even start roasting you don’t do it!

  10. No it’s not wrong! I mean, women wear heals and shape wear makeup etc & i don’t consider that wrong.. (im a woman) but if a guy where to wear shoe lifts out of insecurity’s it wouldn’t bother me i would understand, im insecure about certain things & i can hide them (kinda) with makeup or like shape wear, why can’t men do the same you know?

  11. Not wrong at all in a world where “shapewear”, body sculpting yoga pants, and push up bras are the norm. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  12. I dont think there’s anything wrong with lifts, I do think you should tell them once it gets serious. Women use hip padding and shapewear, similar concept

  13. shoe lifts in this case act as some sort of gender-affirming action. nothing wrong with it really. but if you’re scared about when the women you date might find out, well…

    maybe be comfortable with being shorter than your self-ideal height? i know a lot of short guys who are chick magnets. some sort of rizz issue maybe.

  14. Lol is it wrong for a girl to wear a push-up bra? Do what you want just don’t be a creep.

  15. Nope, I plan to add another two inches every two months, until I’m walking on stilts. Reason for this is taller people are treated better, how I’m being treated isn’t up to my standards yet. I’ll get there though.

    The thing I love best about wearing stilts is it is much easier to put on muscle than if I were really 6’7″, most really tall guys are lanky due to the difficulty of eating enough to support such lengthy arms and legs reaching out in all directions like some awkward marionette doll. But being naturally average height and putting on stilts lets me rise above the crowds, is sexy as hell, and I can be buff way more easily than if I were that tall for real. It’s the best of all worlds.

    I love the extra attention to my stilts, would love to see posts about zits too, ask me about my zits. It’s what I love being asked about. Got any questions about zits?

  16. I gotta be honest I was watching something and they were like dawg there’s like proven statistical prejudice towards short people so anyone saying something about you not being honest tell them to kiss your ass until they drop their weird height fetish I’m a short dude I don’t give a shit about my height it’s whatever

  17. Personally I don’t care how tall a guy is. But finding out that he was lying about his height and using lifts would give me the ick more than the fact that he was short. But that’s just me. It may get you a date but if height is that big of a deal to her then it’s only going to cause issues later when she inevitably finds out you were lying.

  18. I’d spend the money on something else and learn to be comfortable with your height.

    To be brutally honest, anyone that would judge or refuse to date you on height alone isn’t worth knowing.

    If you wear them, at some point they have to come off anyhow. It’s like women with push up bras. The truth will come out anyhow so why not just get comfortable with yourself. There’s really nothing wrong with your height

  19. Shorter men than you are doing fine. Don’t do this. It’s pathetic.

    You’re short. It sucks. Too bad. It’s not the end all be all. Make other areas of your life/personality be the focus.

  20. I am a tall woman who has dated men of all kinds of heights, both taller and shorter than me. FWIW, height makes no difference to me – you can be 5’2″ and if you’re fun and kind I will absolutely be interested.

    That said, if shoe lifts make you feel confident, then go for it. Whatever makes you feel like your best self is okay by me.

  21. I wear 3-3 1/2 inch heels. I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. I also don’t care about a man’s height. Hope it works out for you.

  22. Look up Cameron Diaz, Sophie Turner, Erin Darke, Eniko Parrish, Gwendolyn Christie, etc.

    Yes, these examples are women partnered with famous men, but the men are still shorter, and these women aren’t exactly lacking choices. What these men have is confidence. I’m not going to tell you not to wear lifts, just as I wouldn’t tell a woman not to wear makeup, a push-up bra, or tummy flattener. I will say building up your confidence is much more beneficial than building up your shoes.

  23. I guess it could help for a ONS. But for anything long-term you have no choice but to be honest.

    But to ask randos on the internet for something so inconsequential? That’s your real problem

  24. I’m 5’11” and I have these shoes that make me 6’1” ish. They are my favorite and i wear them for work and dates, really increases my confidence, nothing wrong with it

  25. Is it wrong for a woman to use a push-up bra? Same thing. If you can deal with them finding out you’re not actually 5’8″, then have at ‘er.

  26. It’s not wrong, but as a woman I would find this to be a HUGE turn off. It seems effeminate to me for a guy to wear lifts. I like masculine men. It also makes the guy look extremely insecure.

  27. Date anyone you find attractive who appreciates you for the man that you are. If lifts make you feel more confident, then wear them. When your making love horizontally, height isn’t a big issue unless there’s a huge disparity.

  28. Women use makeup, pushup bras, weaves, fake lashes, fake nails, heels, platform shoes, corsets, lip fillers, tatted or drawn eyebrows, fake tans, BBLs, and other cosmetic procedures. Shoe lifts are nothing compared to all that

  29. If the lifts make you feel better and more confident sometimes, wear them!

    But if you feel you NEED them? THROW THEM AWAY.

    If you start feeling like someone only likes you because of your enhanced height you are in for a world of anxiety. And if she actually does? That’s weird. That’s a women who patently has an exact cut off and below that you are unacceptable and above that acceptable. That’s too much scrutiny for my tastes.

    I am likening this to shapewear. I will sometimes wear it to improve my lines in a specific dress. But if I were dating someone and felt that I HAD to wear it? Nope. I would rather just be too fat for someone than barely acceptable.

  30. Wrong? No… kind of a turnoff though. But it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.

    As far as who to approach, you should approach women that indicate interest. Doesn’t matter what their height is. (meaning that if you’re going to approach, that’s who you should approach)

  31. You can do whatever you like but you’re starting off potential relationships with a lie. A lot of women won’t let that slide.

    Just own your height man and then you know when you meet someone they’re accepting you for who you are. It would be shitty for you to get to know someone then you come clean and they ditch you for being dishonest.

  32. ” cold approaches…. ”
    It’s not sales or marketing. You are not a call centre..


    Will men ever understand that tricks or ” game ” or dating coach bullshit ONLY WORK AGAINST YOU.

    Its dumb. Really really dumb.

  33. Another thing to add to the list of things to ask a guy before dating him. Hey man, you wearing shoe lifts? And then we can both have a laugh.

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