What do you guys think of ross perot. Is he talked about politically?

  1. I don’t think anyone’s talked about him since shortly after his most recent presidential campaign.

  2. he died like four years ago, why would anyone talk about a dead guy who last ran for president in the last century?

  3. He’s hardly mentioned, but I think in hindsight he should be discussed more. I see him as a sort of precursor to trump.

  4. In what context would a candidate from 31 years ago be discussed? Other than a conversation about third party candidates?

  5. He used to go to my barbershop every Wednesday. Got to talk to him a few times. He was a good man, and I voted for him. When I first moved to Dallas, I saw him riding his horse west on Walnut Hill. Turns out, he had stables on his property in town – because why not?

  6. I always like these types of questions, as I am young enough that Ross Perot is history to me. His political relevance came and went before I was born.


    Anyway, he is certainly not talked about politically. Pretty much the only time he ever comes up is a Republican salty about Perot spoiling Bush.

  7. Ross Perot? The guy from like 30 years ago? Pretty sure he passed away a few years ago. But no one has mentioned him since the 90s, maybe early 2000s.

  8. People are more likely to talk about him in the context of the Perot Museum in Dallas than they ever would in a political conversation.

  9. He and his family donated a lot to Dallas. The museum in his honor in Downtown Dallas is great. I can’t think of why anyone outside or Texas would discuss him though?

  10. All I think of when I hear the name Ross Perot is Dana Carvey’s skit. Can I finish? Can I finish? Can. I. Finish?

  11. I’m in my 40s and I wasn’t old enough to vote for him when he was running for President.

    The only time I’ve seen him come up in political conversations in recent times is in discussions of third party candidates having a chance or not. (And that subject is rare enough on its own compared to most political conversations here.)

  12. As far as I know he only really comes up when discussing how 3rd party Presidential Candidates only serve as spoilers in elections. As far as 3rd Party Candidates go, he was wildly successful but still didn’t manage to win a single Electoral College vote.

  13. The few times a decade I think of Dana Carvey, I will then think of Ross Perot. But really, I didn’t pay much attention to politics until that dress in ’95

  14. … What? I think I literally haven’t heard his name mentioned in at least 25+ years, and I think the last time I did it was an SNL skit or something making fun of how irrelevant he was *then.*

  15. He ran in 1992, the first year I could vote. Not talked about in ages but maybe we should. Perot got close to 20% of the popular vote but zero electoral votes due to our Electoral College framework.

  16. Ross Perot was just one in a long line of our third party candidates being worse than the major party nominees.

    Seriously, we all complain about the two party system and say how we want a third party, but every time anybody actually supports a third party it’s someone like George Wallace, Ross Perot, RFK Jr, Henry Wallace, etc.

  17. He claimed ninjas infiltrated his daughter’s wedding. Crackpot third party candidate. We have a rich tradition of them

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