A couple weeks ago I came down with a cold, not COVID, just a regular cold. It wasn’t terrible and I live alone so I was able to take care of myself and not go around other people for the first couple of days, half of which I spent sleeping so I didn’t notice the isolation much. Now it’s been 11 days, I’ve spent the last 6 days feeling 100% better, but I have a nagging cough, so I’ve been avoiding people and wearing a mask when needed. I’ve noticed that spending this much time away from people, not getting the physical touch I normally get, not seeing people’s faces, it’s really lonely and numbing, I think I’m starting to disassociate most of the time. It sucks. Nobody has told me I need to isolate, but I get the feeling that if I went around people while I was still coughing, they would be upset with me. If I knew for certain I wasn’t contagious anymore than I’d be fine to go around people, but I don’t. This would be more manageable if it was an occasional issue but I got a cold in August too, meaning in the last 16 weeks I’ve spent 4 of them in social isolation. I don’t know what to do

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