hi, recently i had a friend tell me they think i try too hard to be funny, but i don’t really consciously “try” to make jokes.. i kinda just talk and react to people? i’m socially awkward and i think i just kind of talk with a lack of confidence that comes off as try harding… it also may partially just be because i’m a woman and my friend is a guy lowkey but i don’t really wanna get into the politics of that on reddit. After this incident my already very fragile sense of confidence in social situations has been shaken because i didn’t really think i ever tried to be funny at all, i more just spoke without much of a filter. It would be one thing if i felt like he was right, but i just don’t really feel like i do that, and for what it’s worth i’m a generally pretty painfully self-aware person. What’s even worse is he (kinda half-assedly) apologized a day later because he thought he was too mean, which i mean i’m glad he did that even though i tried to not clue him in that he upset me (avoidance of confrontation), but it kinda just makes it feel more like he feels like he told me a hard truth. I dunno I’m definitely overthinking this a bit- you can’t please everyone- but it really shook my confidence and it’s made me more scared to talk to people how I would normally because i’m afraid i come off that way to other people. I hope this makes sense.

1 comment
  1. You probably just don’t have a filter and make everything into a joke. Try to manage what you do and don’t react to

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