How often do women say «thank you», when you pay for their meal or drink on dates?

  1. All the time, and currently my girlfriend always thanks me when I pay for a meal or something, and I do the same when she pays.

  2. I’m married and my wife and I thank each other when we pay for things – even though its all just our money haha.

  3. Every time except one. Largely because they always offer to split, I insist and they either insist back (which I accept) or say “thank you” (which I also accept.)

  4. Pretty much every time, though these days, it’s usually either my wife or a bestie I’m treating because it’s her birthday or something. If I’m close enough with someone that I would want to pay for their meal for *any* reason, they’re probably the kind of person with the courtesy to say “thank you” after, not that I *expect* it, but it *is* nice to hear… it’s nice to be appreciated.

  5. I think it’s pretty customary to end a date with “thanks for tonight” if it goes well

    … well, a first date anyway

  6. Women I have dated were always very polite and thanked me for everything. But honestly I probably wouldn’t really care if they didn’t. I never really went into a date looking for praise or a pat on the back. I just wanted them to have fun and enjoy out time together.

  7. As much as I rag on women getting free meals when it came to dating, when I was a bachelor I cannot think of a single time a woman did not thank me.

  8. My gf does all the time. Although to be fair these days she normally orders food (has Uber Plus so free delivery) and I send her half.

    When I used to go on more dates. All the time and I’d thank them when they paid for stuff too.

  9. I married and still say thank you whenever my husband makes me something or buys us dinner.

  10. For as often as I’ve paid, I feel like it’s maybe happened 2-3 times at most. The majority of women say thanks in my experience

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